Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Drowsy Chaperone

Tonight I went to see The Drowsy Chaperone at the Ahmanson Theatre. The show is about a man who is listening to his favorite musical The Drowsy Chaperone. It starts out in his apartment and he puts on the musical by playing the 2-disc record set of the show that is from the 1920s. He explains the plot of the story and goes over a little background on the characters. The musical plays out with very funny comments from the guy in the apartment.

I had a really good time and I thought it was a very clever show. The show has everything you look for in a musical. Singing, Dancing, solos, group numbers...It even has a really awesome tap number and a guy on skates. What sets The Drowsy Chaperone apart from all the other musicals I've ever seen is that I've never laughed soo much during a musical. It's HILARIOUS! I challenge anyone to go see the musical and not think it's funny!

I give The Drowsy Chaperone
3.5 Stars. The only reason I didn't give it 4 Stars is because I think that every great musical has to have memorable songs. Songs that stay in your head and that you want to listen to when you get out of the show. I'm sitting here thinking about the songs and I don't really remember any of the songs. No lyrics or tunes that stand out in my mind. No songs that I really want to hear again. Now, I have no doubt that I'll know every song by weeks end, because I bought the CD... but I feel that is the one missing component of this musical that makes me only give it 3.5 Stars. However, everything else about this musical was awesome. I think everyone who sees it will come away having a good time and will remember it.


Anonymous said...

amazing things thanx

Anonymous said...

Just keep posting good content.

Anonymous said...

I found this post earlier today while in the office Very useful Sent the link to myself and will most likely bookmark it when I make it home