Friday, August 29, 2008

Turkey Burgers are not that healthy!

So, my home girl and I went for our weekly lunch today. We went In-N-Out, because I've been craving a burger lately. However, yesterday I wanted to go to Fat Burger. I was all set cause I wanted a more healthy option... so my plan was going to get a turkey burger. Boy was I mistaken.

I was under the impression that turkey burgers were more healthy that regular burgers... umm well, i was wrong! My home girl and I looked at the nutritional information on the Fat Burger website and found that in almost every category. A 1/3 lb Turkey Burger is worse for you than a 1/3 burger!

Calories: 550 vs. 520
Calories from Fat: 280 vs. 270
Total Fat per serving: 31 vs. 29
Cholesterol: 130 vs. 90
Sodium: 900 vs. 880
Carbohydrate: 38 vs. 32

So, I opted for a Cheese Burger Animal Style from In-N-Out
Calories: 480
Calories from Fat: 240
Total Fat per serving: 27
Cholesterol: 60
Sodium: 1000
Carbohydrate: 39

Ok - so on the sodium side it wasn't a good choice.. but 5/6 ain't bad!

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