Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Night TV...

My last weekend night of freedom before I start my last year of school... How did I decide to spend it? Did a little bit of work... and watched TV. This will probably be my last blog in awhile, unless I do a blog on The Amazing Race every week.

Sunday Night Football - Chicago Bears vs. Philadelphia Eagles
Despite what my two friends who like the Eagles say... it was a good game. 6 Turnovers (4 by Chicago, 2 by Philly), 2 missed field goals by Philly (one that hit the post and bounced out), the game clock gets screwed up in the 4th quarter & the refs had to keep time on the field, a 4th quarter stop 4th and goal on the 1 yard line stop by the Bears

Californication - Season 2 "Slip of the Tongue"
Hank has a vasectomy...and we are treated w/ Hank running into at least three of the women he slept with in season one (other than Karen). It was funny watching Hank run around holding his crotch and putting ice or a bag of peas (or Edamame...)

Dexter - Season 3 "Our Father"
As the third season opens...Dexter he really stepped in it this time. He kills someone unexpectedly and it ends up being the brother of an ADA in Miami. This episode featured Dexter & Rita having sex at least three times w/ some nakedness and I really like Deb's new haircut, which they made it a point to have the characters discuss in at least three different scenes. Poor Dexter looked like such a dork when he was trying to explain what he did to a bunch of kids. Rita preggers? oh boy....

The Amazing Race - Season 13
Toni & Dallas - (Mother & Son) - It's nice to see a mother/son team where the mother doesn't dominate and the son doesn't yell at his mom. I wonder where in Northern Cali they are from? They are super cute. Dallas is not as "hunky" as Starr thinks he is.

Nick & Starr (Brother & Sister) - If my bro and I ever get on this show... remind me to shoot myself if we decide to wear matching clothes...especially if it's Camo clothes!!! what was up w/ that? Also remind me not to choreograph a little cheer dance for us to do in our clip! Oh and my bro and I have to come up w/ a better pound then them... or at least hit fists when we try to do it! Despite my mocking them the entire episode...they aren't so bad... I'm just jealous they are on the show and I'm not.They end up coming in 1st at the pit stop & won a trip to Belize.

Ken & Tina (Seperated Couple) - Former NFL star who cheated on his wife and they are using this trip to try to regain their trust. Of course he cheated... he was a pro athlete on the road all the time, but then again.. football you're not away as much, so maybe it's not as excusable. At least, he's sorry and trying

Aja & Ty (in a long distance relationship) - They are kinda blah. I don't really remember too much about them in this episode.

Marisa & Brooke (Southern Belles) - Like that's a thing? Why couldn't they have just said friends? When Brooke says "Marisa & I are very classy. We always wear our pearls." Um honey, wearing pearls doesn't make you classy... and saying you're classy is definitely not classy! I can see them getting kicked off next or soon.

Andrew & Dan - (Frat Brothers) - these guys are not your typical idea of frat brothers. These guys look like they below in that movie Super Bad or in the Revenge of the Nerds frat! haha. I like when they talked about their six pack is in a cooler not on their stomachs.

Anthony & Stephanie (Dating for 4 years) - Their profile says they are hoping to be engaged by the end of the show...really? They've been dating for 4 years... shouldn't they know already? Her way or the highway... oh boy, no wonder he hasn't proposed yet! Marriage is about compromise... not getting ur way.

Anita & Arthur (Hippy Bee Keepers) - Sadly they got eliminated... they were just too slow. I think all that hair slowed them down. I think it kept getting in their eyes.

Kelly & Christy (Divorcees) - they look too young to be divorcees... but ok. Oh and btw - Christy doesn't know how to run! Watch her arms when she runs... it's so weird. She needs to get lessons from Terence who "trains runners?"

Terence & Sarah (Newly dating) This couple bothers me. The guys is super controlling. The first thing he says when they get into the car is "Give me a little love. I need love from you. I need you to touch me" WTF??? "As soon as we got here. Sarah was talking to the other teams. I want you to hold me and connect w/ me" again.. WTF??? get over yourself dude. "I could care less if no one speaks to me. I don't need friends" hopefully this chick realizes what a DB he is and gets a new dude. He eve tries to stop her from outrunning him!!! When they are on the cargo net he says "You can't climd & talk. I can... I'm going to talk, while she climbs." I hope they get kicked off soon, but they seem really strong, so I doubt it will happen unless they majorly screw up in a leg.

Mark & Bill (Comic Book dudes) - self proclaimed geeks and by watching they're clip... I'd have to agree w/ them. Unfortunately, these guys are like poster children for the guys who work at my company! The people at my company (myself included) also wear their "geekyness like a badge of honor!" They seem like they have a good attitude.

Here's a "quick" recap of where they went & the things they had to do.
Started out in LA in the Coliseum (boo USC!)
Clue #1: Route Info - Fly to Salvador Brazil. Find sandwich shop O Rei Do Pernil - next time I go to LAX i want to us Fly Park One! haha. I know a bunch of people that use yellow polka-dot shuttle (hehe)
why the siblings make an alliance w/ the Seperated couple is beyond me... they don't need them, but I can see that this is probably going to be a really good alliance. They are two very strong teams... I think they will go far together. They call them "Mom & Dad", really?
Clue #2: Route Info - Become a Barista old school style - Bring a vending cart to Indio in plaza, Praca Da Se - the trick is that it's wobbly & the stuff can fall off.
Clue #3: Route Info - Travel to a military base. This is where they spent the night & sign up for times they can leave the next morning. Sarah kissed the military dude... too funny.
Clue #4: Route Info - Go to Pelourinho. Locate a church, Escadaria do Passo
Clue #5: Detour - Hard Way Up or Soft Way Down
Hard Way Up - Go to Staircase Escardiria El Paso. Climb up on your hands & knees. Answer a mystery question. If you get it wrong, you have to do it again - only one team did this (frat brothers)
Soft Way Down - Go to outdoor elevator Elevador Lacerda. Climb down 240ft cargo net. But only 3 teams can be on the net at one time.
Clue #6: Route Info - Make ur way to Pit Stop. Forte Sao Marcelo.

Order of finish
1. Nick & Starr
2. Ken & Tina
3. Terence & Sarah
4. Mark & Bill
5. Kelly & Christy
6. Toni & Dallas
7. Andrew & Dan
8. Aja & Ty
9. Anthony & Stephanie
10. Marisa & Brooke
11. Anita & Arthur

Brothers & Sisters - Season 3 "Glass Houses"
Wow... typical episode... lots of secret unearthing. Tommy wants to fire Kevin from being the lawyer for the family business. Justin & Rebecca are dating. Sarah let Nora ghost write the letter for the mothers of the babies that Kitty & Robert are trying to adopt. Kevin, Nora, & Sarah are all hiding the fact that there is a brother named Ryan they are trying to find.

The beginning letter was so funny. "A better friend I could not wish for the world!" "the pied piper of pasedena" haha! The weekend place in Laguna that has 12 rooms is the same house that was used in one of the episodes in's the one where there's a movie star & his friends are accused of killing a girl in their house. it also features two girls who get plastic surgery to look like twins so they can be prostituted out to guys w/ a twin fantasy.

Of course... knowing me the last letter made me tear a little bit. =)

I'm off to do some pre-reading before school starts! Here's a shout out to my 09A section mates! What what!! I love you guys and here's the the start of our final year of school.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

RENT Live On Broadway

That's right. The last performance of RENT on Broadway was 7 Sept 2008. It was taped and they showed it in theaters for only four performances. Sept 24, 25, 27 & 28. So, naturally, I walked my ass down to The Bridge this Sun afternoon & watched it. I was not disappointed. I felt like I was there... except for the super-charged energy you feel in the air when actually physically there.

Some notables that I recognized were
Tracie Nicole Thoms (Joanne) - Played Joanne in the Movie version
Renee Elise Goldsberry (Mimi) - Used to play Evangeline on One Life To Live
Jay Wilkison (Gordon & Others) - Used to play Riley on One Life To Live
Eden Espinosa (Maureen) - Played Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway and the most recent LA production. (she seems to be following Idina Menzel! =) hehe)
Gwen Stewart (Mrs. Jefferson & Soloist in "Seasons of Love") - She was in the Original Broadway Cast in the same role
Rodney Hicks (Benjamin Coffin III) - Was in the Original Broadway cast as a Swing cast member

Rent opened off Broadway in Jan of 1996 and moved to Broadway in April of 1996. Rent tells the story of artists and musicians struggling to survive in Alphabet City in NY. It was one of the first Broadway Musicals to feature an ethnically diverse cast, including gay, lesbian, and bisexual characters. It is currently 7th on the longest running shows on Broadway.

I give RENT Live On Broadway
4 Stars... Did you expect anything else? Of course it gets 4 Stars. It was just a joy to just see the last performance on Broadway. Rent is one of the musicals that got me into theatre! It's sad that this era is over, but I'm glad I watched. The cast was amazing. (not as good as the Original Cast...but still really great) The guys who played Mark & Roger were great. Of course, I loved seeing Tracie Thom & Renee Elise Goldberry as Joanne & Mimi. They have such wonderful voices. Seeing Eden as Maureen was also a treat, since she is my second favorite Elphaba in Wicked (after Idina Menzel... of course) Now, she's my second favorite Maureen, too. I never realized how much she looked like Idina until today. The cool thing about the movie was that there was an actual intermission. It was 10 min long and it just showed the crew sweep the set. The movie theater actually put the lights up just like it was an intermission at a show. People left and went to the bathroom. It was kinda cool. The other cool thing was that at the end of the show some original cast members Antony Rapp (Mark), Jesse L. Martin (Collins), Wilson Jermain Heredia (Angel), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Mimi), Fredi Walker (Joanne)...and former cast members came to sing "Seasons Of Love".

Saturday, September 27, 2008

9 to 5 The Musical

Last night I went to see 9 to 5 the Musical w/ my boy PY. PY likes musicals just like me, so I took him to see 9 to 5 the Musical. I didn't think this musical was going to be very good, so I wanted to take someone that would be able to handle a flop. However, because of PY's love for musicals he was rewarded w/ one of the best shows I've seen since Wicked & Avenue Q.

It was funny, entertaining, and completely sensational. With lines like "You say one more word about me and I'll change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!", "I'm not a red hot mama!", and "where else can you talk bad about someone and feel good about yourself", you will laugh your ass off. Starring Allison Janney (Violet) best know for her role on The West Wing, Megan Hilty (Doralee) - who began her career as Glinda in Wicked and (I believe) she took over for Kristin Chenoweth and Stephanie J. Block (Judy) played Elphaba when Wicked came to LA for the first time. These three ladies were amazing and kept the pace of the show going, with very little "lull time".

The story is about three women who at work at Consolidated and at first don't like each other. Judy is the new girl, Doralee is rumored to have slept w/ the boss Mr. Hart (played by Marc Kudisch) whose performance was also very very good! I'm not sure how he sang being hung up about 40 feet in the air... very reminiscent of Elphaba in Wicked when she sings "Defying Gravity". Violet is the strong, responsible one that everyone looks up to and really knows the business, but keeps getting looked over because she's a woman. I'm not gonna give away the story, because that's part of the experience, but in the end as w/ all good musicals...the three end up becoming friends.

I give 9 to 5 the Musical
4 Stars because it was freaking AWESOME. The set design was one of the best I've seen. The staging and choreography were excellent. The dialogue was witty and hilarious. The only negative was Allison Janney's singing. Now, it wasn't as bad as Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia, but it wasn't on par w/ all the other amazing singers. However, she more than made up for it w/ her acting performance. Megan Hilty was amazing and did a good impression of Dolly Parton w/out detracting from her own performance and making the character her own. The story plot was kinda cheesy and over the top, but the dialogue carries it along with well placed songs. The songs were everything one would expect from a musical. Funny songs, like "5 to 9" where Roz (Mr. Hart's admin) sings a funny song in the bathroom to a gut-wrenching soul searching song entitled "Get Out and Stay Out" performed beautifully by Stephanie J. Block. and of course there is the theme song "9 to 5" which is wonderfully weaved throughout the musical to create a glue that makes this musical flow. If anyone can walk away from this musical and not get the "9 to 5" song stuck in their heads... I commend them. I haven't seen the movie, but I definitely recommend this musical to EVERYONE.

Friday, September 26, 2008

National Stay At Home Week - Day 4

I felt like crap today. I went home sick from work. I slept all day and am feeling much better. I woke up and watched some TV.

Ugly Betty - "The Manhattan Project"

It was kinda disappointing. Betty didn't pick Henry or Gio? what? BS. I waited all summer for that? Then neither one is back? what? They are gonna hook her up w/ the neighbor guy? please...grr.
Betty's dad gets a job in the episode. Didn't he have a job before? How did he support his family before? I'll have to look at old episodes to get a handle on that one.
This show is becoming "Nasty Wilhelmina" as opposed to "Ugly Betty". Granted Vanessa Williams plays the character so well that I hate her, but still.
Justin still has his funny one liners as usual. I don't like the fact that Hilda is hooking up with the married "coach". Love Amanda & Marc as usual. They make that show funny. I love the scene when Betty goes back to Mode & everything is black & white and she's bright & bold! Is Lindsay Lohan's hair really that long or are those extensions? I wonder what my "power animal" is! =) Funniest line "More like Ki-no-nos!" haha

Grey's Anatomy - "Dream a Little Dream of Me"

So, what's with the morbid dream sequence at the beginning? that was just wrong! I didn't believe it for a second, but really? it was just a waste of 2 min. I did like the dream sequence of old Meredith & Christina trying to carve a chicken for dinner.
I love the fact that Christina gets impaled w/ an icicle right after she yells @ Meredith. Karma's a bitch! Then their bedroom conversation was interesting to me cause i could imagine having that same conversation w/ one of my friends. Cause I always say. "why does it matter what I think?" I wouldn't necessarily say I'm her person, but we are pretty close. We talked this week about honesty when talking about relationships. Why do people lie to each other about relationships? Isn't it better to tell the truth? I know there's the fear of losing the friendship & it's happened to me at least three times, but are you really being a friend if you're lying? Anyway, I at the end when Christina says. "I am your person. I'm on your side." That's what we should always say. No matter what, I got ur back! that conversation really hit home for me. =)
I also liked how they made the Callie and Erica thing a first time for both of them. It's a different spin on things and something that really hasn't been done in a while. Usually there is one experienced person and one not. Now they are both as they called themselves, "virgins"
Finally, the story of the three wives & three husbands was really good. But, what's with the best friend sleeping w/ her best friend's husband? There's nothing that would ever make it ok if my best friend slept w/ my husband or nothing that would ever make me sleep w/ her husband. I mean WTF? That's just wrong. They've been friends for 50 years! I know people make mistakes, but really? sleeping w/ ur best friend's husband? There are somethings that are just unforgivable. For me, that's a non-starter.

On a personal note... blogging every day is tiring! The people who do this every day/night either have no life or don't ever sleep! Off to bed. Stay tuned... until I return to blog about Sunday's shows. Friday & Sat don't have good TV =)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

National Stay At Home Week - Day 3

So tonight I really didn't stay at home. However, I do know that Ted got kicked off of Dancing w/ the Stars. Three nights of DWTS is too much! Two nights is what works best. All I have to say is... really? Jesse McCartney & The Jonas Brothers? Please... i fast forwarded thru that shit! At least Jeff & Edyta got to dance the Quickstep they've been practicing for the last couple of weeks.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

National Stay At Home Week - Day 2

So, I didn't really stay at home tonight...well for the first part of the night... but gotta love Tivo, cause I was able to watch the shows I missed. I love Tivo. So, first let me say... I watched the new How I Met Your Mother last night... it was De - Wait for it... Lightful! Delightful! HAHA I was laughing my ass off, cause "Bimbos make me happy!" And I hope to one day sleep w/ someone (just once) and catch feelings. =)

Opportunity Knocks

WOW! I think this is my new favorite game show after Deal or No Deal. I think what makes me like it so much is that all you have to do is know your family. I wish my family could've gone on this show.... cause we all know each other really well.
The show's format is that four members of a family are chosen. Then, one at a time a member of the family is asked 4 questions. For each question they answer correctly they win money. The 1st question is worth $2500, 2nd question $5000, 3rd question $7500 and 4th $10000. If they go 4/4, they win a prize. At the end, they are able to double the amount of money they've earned or risk all the money & go for $250,000. I cant imagine any family going for the $250k, but we'll see what happens.
On this show - The son Lucas was awesome, but I felt a little bad for him... cause he had to reveal his secret crush on one of his sister's friends on national television. How embarrassing! I also felt bad for the dad cause he didn't spend the $25,000 on the car & then he lost it. =( they won a little over $75K

Dancing w/ The Stars - Season 7

Here are the highlights, no scoring from me this time... cause i'm really exhausted right now & I have to go to work tomorrow, but I made a bet that I would blog every night I watched TV during the National Stay At Home Week. Anyone who knows me... knows I never back down from a bet that I can win!

On with the show...Jeff & Edyta were kicked off. I was sad to see Edyta go! =( Correction from last night... I forgot about her & Jason Taylor last year! But he wasn't really blessed w/ dancing talent & he didn't really have a chance against Kristi. Kristi was just so awesome last year. Poor Jeff. His family was wearing eye patches. funny!

I thought it was interesting that they put Edyta & Jeff and Mark & Kim as the last two couples tonight, considering they were the last two in last season's finale... Good job on the producers part to make that connection.

Brooke & Derek were the best again. They are becoming my fav couple.

Susan & Tony - She was better tonight, but she's just so damn prim and proper it's never gonna work.

Warren & Kym did not disappoint. They are my second fav couple.

Cloris was funny again, but its really unfair cause she just can't move as fast as the others, but for 82... she's amazing. My hat goes off to her. However, soon the audience will grow tired of her antics.

Rocco & Karina are most improved, but Karina needs to lay off the tanning lotion...

When Ted & Inna were dancing I kept expecting Marcy to run up to the dance floor yelling "Stop dancing w/ my husband!" and kept looking in the audience for Peg & Al Bundy cheering him on! haha

I think Kim & Mark are getting kicked off tomorrow or Ted & Inna.

If I didn't mention a couple, they didn't make that much of an impression on me that I remembered something unique about their dancing/performance... so there you have it.

oh wait - Cody & Julianne danced to one of my fav songs..."I want you to want me"... from one of my fav movies 10 Things I Hate About You. However, their dancing was forgettable.

Special shout out to "The Pitch" who brought new insight to a show that I already loved. Thanks!

Monday, September 22, 2008

National Stay At Home Week - Day 1

National Stay At Home Week

Wow - that's such a GREAT marketing campaign, especially since TV has for the most part (except for Big Brother) SUCKED this summer. So, in an effort to be swayed by cheap marketing tactics and w/ nothing else to do on a Monday night... I Tivoed three of my favorite shows The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, & One Tree Hill and then while flipping back and forth between the Jets/Chargers game... I watched Dancing With The Stars

Dancing w/ the Stars - Season 7

Well well well... it's a new season of DWTS and the first day was awesome! Here are my thoughts on the first show.

Cody Linley & Julianne Hough - The young couple. I think they got robbed. It definitely hurt them going first. He was a little stiff and the bit about him beatboxing & rapping.. dear lord…please don’t do that again!

Judges Score: 18

My Score: 20

Rocco DiSpirito & Karina Smirnoff - I know Karina injured her ankle, but it didn’t really affect her performance. I’m not a huge fan of Rocco’s, but I did watch his show The Restaurant, which I enjoyed. The dance kinda sucked.

Judges Score: 14

My Score: 15

Toni Braxton & Alec Mazo - So, my mom and I are convinced that Alec Mazo is a sucky teacher and got lucky w/ Kelly Monaco. He has yet again gotten lucky. Tony Braxton was pretty great. They had pretty good chemistry.

Judges Score: 22

My Score: 22

Maurice Greene & Cheryl Burke – Cheryl looks like she put on some pounds. =( Maurice has rhythm, but he’s a little stiff.

Judges Score: 18

My Score: 18

Brooke Burke & Derek Hough – She was AWESOME. She’s got great lines and great “musicality” It’s surprising that she has 4 kids. She looks AMAZING. I thought they were great.

Judges Score: 23

My Score: 23

Ted McGinley & Inna Brayer – Inna’s new and she seems like she doesn’t have much of a personality, but looks like an amazing dancer. I love Ted McGinley. Married w/ Children was one of my favorite shows. You can tell he’s new to dancing, but he was pretty good and even though he messed up. He was pretty suave and kept the smile the entire time. He had good posture.

Judges Score: 18

My Score: 19

Lance Bass & Lacey Schwimmer – Lacy is also new. She’s spunky! Lance was GREAT! Of course I'm biased because I was a HUGE fan of NSYNC! Joey Fatone was in the audience. It wasn’t a traditional Cha Cha Cha, but who cares.. it was fun, entertaining, and all around awesome for a first dance!

Judges Score: 24

My Score: 24

Cloris Leachman & Corky Ballas – Now, who knew that Cloris was 82! Man, she’s so agile! Her partner is Corky Ballas, father of Mark Ballas Jr. Her dancing was not at the speed as the rest of the people, but she was better than Rocco and entertaining. She makes Len say the funniest line in a very long time – “Mind your cleavage!” hahaha

Judges Score: 16

My Score: 16

Jeffrey Ross & Edyta Slwinska – Poor poor Edyta! I think she deserves to win this thing one time! However, she always gets saddled w/ lame partners. The only one that was good was Joey Lawerence. Cameron was ok, but you knew that they didn’t really have a chance to win. Jeffrey got injured when when Edyta poked him in the eye and scratched his retina. He’s funny, but a terrible dancer. It’s sad, cause you can tell he’s a good guy. He doesn’t deserve to go home, but I think he will =(

Judges Score: 12

My Score: 14

Kim Kardashian & Mark Ballas – She’s annoying! Grr… Usually Mark has awesome dancers, let’s see how he does this season w/ a non-dancer. They didn’t really dance very much and they had no chemistry. She was really stiff.

Judges Score: 19

My Score: 17

Susan Lucci & Tony Dovolani – Oh my…Susan Lucci…the woman who took 19 emmy nominations to finally win an emmy (I think they gave it to her because it was just pathetic) got partnered with the former World champion. I like Tony.. Too bad he got the woman who can’t act… and who can’t dance. She’s so damn stiff when she acts and she’s the same way w/ her dancing. Granted she is 61. I bet that when ABC asked her to be on DWTS that she asked them to get a woman that was older so as to not reveal her age on television. Remember, this is the woman who refuses to let All My Children age her grandchildren on the show. She also has it in her contract that they aren’t allowed to call her “grandma” at any point! She’ll stay for a while because she has a HUGE fan base.

Judges Score: 15

My Score: 15

Misty May-Treanor & Maksim Chmerkovsky – aww Maks is back! Yay! I love Maks

and I love Misty. This is a good pairing. Kerri Walsh was in the audience. Misty is so built. Why does maks always get the women w/ really built bodies. This is Leyla part II. However, I think that they’ve got a shot to win this cause Misty has a big fan base and she’s pretty good dancer. There’s room for improvement, but she’s gonna be around for a while. She’s almost a shoe in for the finals

Judges Score: 21

My Score: 21

Warren Sapp & Kym Johnson – Who knew that Warren Sapp could dance? He was AWESOME. Best dance of the night for me. Technically it wasn’t the best, but it was the best in terms of entertainment! He seems fun and is my pick for the “dark horse”

Judges Score: 21

My Score: 20