Friday, September 26, 2008

National Stay At Home Week - Day 4

I felt like crap today. I went home sick from work. I slept all day and am feeling much better. I woke up and watched some TV.

Ugly Betty - "The Manhattan Project"

It was kinda disappointing. Betty didn't pick Henry or Gio? what? BS. I waited all summer for that? Then neither one is back? what? They are gonna hook her up w/ the neighbor guy? please...grr.
Betty's dad gets a job in the episode. Didn't he have a job before? How did he support his family before? I'll have to look at old episodes to get a handle on that one.
This show is becoming "Nasty Wilhelmina" as opposed to "Ugly Betty". Granted Vanessa Williams plays the character so well that I hate her, but still.
Justin still has his funny one liners as usual. I don't like the fact that Hilda is hooking up with the married "coach". Love Amanda & Marc as usual. They make that show funny. I love the scene when Betty goes back to Mode & everything is black & white and she's bright & bold! Is Lindsay Lohan's hair really that long or are those extensions? I wonder what my "power animal" is! =) Funniest line "More like Ki-no-nos!" haha

Grey's Anatomy - "Dream a Little Dream of Me"

So, what's with the morbid dream sequence at the beginning? that was just wrong! I didn't believe it for a second, but really? it was just a waste of 2 min. I did like the dream sequence of old Meredith & Christina trying to carve a chicken for dinner.
I love the fact that Christina gets impaled w/ an icicle right after she yells @ Meredith. Karma's a bitch! Then their bedroom conversation was interesting to me cause i could imagine having that same conversation w/ one of my friends. Cause I always say. "why does it matter what I think?" I wouldn't necessarily say I'm her person, but we are pretty close. We talked this week about honesty when talking about relationships. Why do people lie to each other about relationships? Isn't it better to tell the truth? I know there's the fear of losing the friendship & it's happened to me at least three times, but are you really being a friend if you're lying? Anyway, I at the end when Christina says. "I am your person. I'm on your side." That's what we should always say. No matter what, I got ur back! that conversation really hit home for me. =)
I also liked how they made the Callie and Erica thing a first time for both of them. It's a different spin on things and something that really hasn't been done in a while. Usually there is one experienced person and one not. Now they are both as they called themselves, "virgins"
Finally, the story of the three wives & three husbands was really good. But, what's with the best friend sleeping w/ her best friend's husband? There's nothing that would ever make it ok if my best friend slept w/ my husband or nothing that would ever make me sleep w/ her husband. I mean WTF? That's just wrong. They've been friends for 50 years! I know people make mistakes, but really? sleeping w/ ur best friend's husband? There are somethings that are just unforgivable. For me, that's a non-starter.

On a personal note... blogging every day is tiring! The people who do this every day/night either have no life or don't ever sleep! Off to bed. Stay tuned... until I return to blog about Sunday's shows. Friday & Sat don't have good TV =)

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