Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Night TV...

My last weekend night of freedom before I start my last year of school... How did I decide to spend it? Did a little bit of work... and watched TV. This will probably be my last blog in awhile, unless I do a blog on The Amazing Race every week.

Sunday Night Football - Chicago Bears vs. Philadelphia Eagles
Despite what my two friends who like the Eagles say... it was a good game. 6 Turnovers (4 by Chicago, 2 by Philly), 2 missed field goals by Philly (one that hit the post and bounced out), the game clock gets screwed up in the 4th quarter & the refs had to keep time on the field, a 4th quarter stop 4th and goal on the 1 yard line stop by the Bears

Californication - Season 2 "Slip of the Tongue"
Hank has a vasectomy...and we are treated w/ Hank running into at least three of the women he slept with in season one (other than Karen). It was funny watching Hank run around holding his crotch and putting ice or a bag of peas (or Edamame...)

Dexter - Season 3 "Our Father"
As the third season opens...Dexter he really stepped in it this time. He kills someone unexpectedly and it ends up being the brother of an ADA in Miami. This episode featured Dexter & Rita having sex at least three times w/ some nakedness and I really like Deb's new haircut, which they made it a point to have the characters discuss in at least three different scenes. Poor Dexter looked like such a dork when he was trying to explain what he did to a bunch of kids. Rita preggers? oh boy....

The Amazing Race - Season 13
Toni & Dallas - (Mother & Son) - It's nice to see a mother/son team where the mother doesn't dominate and the son doesn't yell at his mom. I wonder where in Northern Cali they are from? They are super cute. Dallas is not as "hunky" as Starr thinks he is.

Nick & Starr (Brother & Sister) - If my bro and I ever get on this show... remind me to shoot myself if we decide to wear matching clothes...especially if it's Camo clothes!!! what was up w/ that? Also remind me not to choreograph a little cheer dance for us to do in our clip! Oh and my bro and I have to come up w/ a better pound then them... or at least hit fists when we try to do it! Despite my mocking them the entire episode...they aren't so bad... I'm just jealous they are on the show and I'm not.They end up coming in 1st at the pit stop & won a trip to Belize.

Ken & Tina (Seperated Couple) - Former NFL star who cheated on his wife and they are using this trip to try to regain their trust. Of course he cheated... he was a pro athlete on the road all the time, but then again.. football you're not away as much, so maybe it's not as excusable. At least, he's sorry and trying

Aja & Ty (in a long distance relationship) - They are kinda blah. I don't really remember too much about them in this episode.

Marisa & Brooke (Southern Belles) - Like that's a thing? Why couldn't they have just said friends? When Brooke says "Marisa & I are very classy. We always wear our pearls." Um honey, wearing pearls doesn't make you classy... and saying you're classy is definitely not classy! I can see them getting kicked off next or soon.

Andrew & Dan - (Frat Brothers) - these guys are not your typical idea of frat brothers. These guys look like they below in that movie Super Bad or in the Revenge of the Nerds frat! haha. I like when they talked about their six pack is in a cooler not on their stomachs.

Anthony & Stephanie (Dating for 4 years) - Their profile says they are hoping to be engaged by the end of the show...really? They've been dating for 4 years... shouldn't they know already? Her way or the highway... oh boy, no wonder he hasn't proposed yet! Marriage is about compromise... not getting ur way.

Anita & Arthur (Hippy Bee Keepers) - Sadly they got eliminated... they were just too slow. I think all that hair slowed them down. I think it kept getting in their eyes.

Kelly & Christy (Divorcees) - they look too young to be divorcees... but ok. Oh and btw - Christy doesn't know how to run! Watch her arms when she runs... it's so weird. She needs to get lessons from Terence who "trains runners?"

Terence & Sarah (Newly dating) This couple bothers me. The guys is super controlling. The first thing he says when they get into the car is "Give me a little love. I need love from you. I need you to touch me" WTF??? "As soon as we got here. Sarah was talking to the other teams. I want you to hold me and connect w/ me" again.. WTF??? get over yourself dude. "I could care less if no one speaks to me. I don't need friends" hopefully this chick realizes what a DB he is and gets a new dude. He eve tries to stop her from outrunning him!!! When they are on the cargo net he says "You can't climd & talk. I can... I'm going to talk, while she climbs." I hope they get kicked off soon, but they seem really strong, so I doubt it will happen unless they majorly screw up in a leg.

Mark & Bill (Comic Book dudes) - self proclaimed geeks and by watching they're clip... I'd have to agree w/ them. Unfortunately, these guys are like poster children for the guys who work at my company! The people at my company (myself included) also wear their "geekyness like a badge of honor!" They seem like they have a good attitude.

Here's a "quick" recap of where they went & the things they had to do.
Started out in LA in the Coliseum (boo USC!)
Clue #1: Route Info - Fly to Salvador Brazil. Find sandwich shop O Rei Do Pernil - next time I go to LAX i want to us Fly Park One! haha. I know a bunch of people that use yellow polka-dot shuttle (hehe)
why the siblings make an alliance w/ the Seperated couple is beyond me... they don't need them, but I can see that this is probably going to be a really good alliance. They are two very strong teams... I think they will go far together. They call them "Mom & Dad", really?
Clue #2: Route Info - Become a Barista old school style - Bring a vending cart to Indio in plaza, Praca Da Se - the trick is that it's wobbly & the stuff can fall off.
Clue #3: Route Info - Travel to a military base. This is where they spent the night & sign up for times they can leave the next morning. Sarah kissed the military dude... too funny.
Clue #4: Route Info - Go to Pelourinho. Locate a church, Escadaria do Passo
Clue #5: Detour - Hard Way Up or Soft Way Down
Hard Way Up - Go to Staircase Escardiria El Paso. Climb up on your hands & knees. Answer a mystery question. If you get it wrong, you have to do it again - only one team did this (frat brothers)
Soft Way Down - Go to outdoor elevator Elevador Lacerda. Climb down 240ft cargo net. But only 3 teams can be on the net at one time.
Clue #6: Route Info - Make ur way to Pit Stop. Forte Sao Marcelo.

Order of finish
1. Nick & Starr
2. Ken & Tina
3. Terence & Sarah
4. Mark & Bill
5. Kelly & Christy
6. Toni & Dallas
7. Andrew & Dan
8. Aja & Ty
9. Anthony & Stephanie
10. Marisa & Brooke
11. Anita & Arthur

Brothers & Sisters - Season 3 "Glass Houses"
Wow... typical episode... lots of secret unearthing. Tommy wants to fire Kevin from being the lawyer for the family business. Justin & Rebecca are dating. Sarah let Nora ghost write the letter for the mothers of the babies that Kitty & Robert are trying to adopt. Kevin, Nora, & Sarah are all hiding the fact that there is a brother named Ryan they are trying to find.

The beginning letter was so funny. "A better friend I could not wish for the world!" "the pied piper of pasedena" haha! The weekend place in Laguna that has 12 rooms is the same house that was used in one of the episodes in's the one where there's a movie star & his friends are accused of killing a girl in their house. it also features two girls who get plastic surgery to look like twins so they can be prostituted out to guys w/ a twin fantasy.

Of course... knowing me the last letter made me tear a little bit. =)

I'm off to do some pre-reading before school starts! Here's a shout out to my 09A section mates! What what!! I love you guys and here's the the start of our final year of school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!