Monday, October 6, 2008

Fangs! A Vampire Show @ Knott's Scary Farm

So, I didn't want to blog about this, but I've been told that because there was music, singing & dance numbers... it counts as some sort of Musical.

This past Friday I went to Knott's Scary Farm. To kill time, we were talked into a show wasting 30 min of our lives. We saw FANGS! A Vampire Show.... I mean how bad could it be? As we walked in, I joked that it was guaranteed to be "Sucky!" HAHA (unfortunately for everyone who watched it... my joke turned into reality!)

The show revolved around a vampire recruiting session at SUCK U! - Super? Undead Creatures Kicking ass University. I can't remember what the "S" stood for. The head recruiter was really trying to kill all the vamps, while the funny gay sidekick was there for laughs. That's about the extent of the plot... in the end they end up both being vamps. So lame!

I give FANGS! A Vampire Show
0.5 Stars. The music was lame, dancing was laughable, the singing was horrible, and the dialog was even worse. The two "leads" were just horrendous. At first I thought it was the mics, but then the second female lead came on and she was pretty good. The choreography was so crappy that even my blind dog could do a better job creating more meaningful and on-beat moves. The worst part was that it was only a 25 min show and they filled time by having two lame videos in the middle of the show & stopped the story plot to have a "let's make lame jokes about audience members" portion! I think there were like 4 songs/dance numbers. If you're gonna do a 25 min show.. make it 25 min, not a 15 min show w/ lame filler parts! I would've given this show 0 Stars, but there was one joke that will forever be in our repetiores... so I couldn't completely give it a horrible rating... Clay Aiken (ding!) Ryan Seacrest (ding!) and Ryan Seacrest (ding!)


Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass.... have you ever heard of fillers to keep the audience entertained while they get the stage and cast ready for the next scene of the show???? I just saw this show last night and it was great! The choreography was awesome and so were the girls voices! The outfits were really creative and the gay funny sidekick you were reffering too kept me laughing througout the whole show! It was great. It was halloween!!!!!! The show was supposed to be funny, entertaining, and dirty and they pulled the whole thing off!
I just googled the show but i found your horrible comment about it so i had to say something!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% on what the first commenter said. Great show.

Anonymous said...

does anyone remember what they sing? there's one song they sing i've been DYING to remember but i can't :(

Anonymous said...

i would die for you i would die for you... by garbage. you can youtube it. that was my favorite song. sorry can't remember more. good show.

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