Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: The abridged story

Aaahh 2008. How you’ve changed my life… there is one word I can use to explain my year… CHANGE! And we all know how I HATE changes. However, some changes were good and some were bad… but I’m a better person for it all… that’s all that really matters in the end, right?

2008 was a year that I watched my home girl get married to her best friend, outgrew a lingering dream of the white picket fence and 2 children with a man that I've secretly (and not so secretly) been in love with for the past 4 years, saw the return of my SD, had one of the biggest arguments w/ the person I love most in this world only to make our relationship stronger, got addicted to my crackberry, which I consider the best technological enhancement to my life since my Tivo five years ago (and yes it surpasses my laptop)…truth be told I wrote most of this entry on my crackberry and then emailed it to myself to upload! Haha… started hanging out w/ someone who has not only enriched my life so much so that it's hard to imagine or remember my life before them, a person whom I admire, respect, and in a lot of ways idolize not only because they are me only older, wiser, more beautiful, & more successful (ha!) but because from a professional stand point I don't think I could ever get to where they are or be as professional or be a as much of a “people” person or just be as respected by my peers and colleagues.

This year has shown me that patience, self preservation, fear of abandonment, my temper, jealousy, and expectation management are still things I struggle w/. However, I'm farther along in matters of the heart, love, self awareness, self growth, forgiveness, and acceptance than ever before... so that’s good, right? Empathy... Is the biggest thing I learned about myself this year. This year tested my ability to be that understanding “nice” person everyone thinks I am. In the end, it worked out for the best for everyone even though I gave up my hopes and dreams I’ve been hanging on to for the last 4 years, but it didn’t happen overnight… not without a lot of tears, self-loathing, devastation, angst, and most of all heartache. However, I've realized I'm stronger and more resilient than I thought I was. It’s amazing how you can bounce back from heart break once you accept the fact that the only thing you can control in life is yourself and your reaction to things.

2008 brought me one step closer to graduation and not only gave me one of the best trips of my life, seeing Vienna, Prague, Moscow, and St. Petersburg with my beloved classmates, but opened my eyes to possibly getting another degree... Crazy, no? Congrats to my school hubby getting into law school and I’m happy to say that two of the MCP got engaged Posh Coug and Ginger Coug (who also happens to be in the "Monkey Mafia"). We welcomed some new babies to our 09A family… yay! In June, I proudly watched the class of 2008 get their diplomas not only because it meant that our class was now the top dog at school, but because I was truly proud of the life long friends I made... accomplish something that I only hope to accomplish w/ as much style and self-confidence in 6 months. I didn't realize how much some of the members of the class of 2008 were so intertwined w/ my school experience…until I walked the halls and blue tables w/out seeing them. My mentor section reps oh how I miss you and as much as I love the new MSA members… I got much love for the class of 2008 MSA members. FEMBA 08 u rock! And a shout out to my full-timer 08 buds too. As for my section… 09A Please… No one holds a candle to y'all. This past quarter was sheer torture not seeing all of u in class all at once. But I love how we’ve come together pretty much every weekend in an effort to stay connected. I love you all! In 2009, we'll rock the house that "merage" built. :)

2008 brought change and upheaval to my familial makeup. I gained a Kuya because my cousin got married to the love of her life. I will gain another cousin in 2010 because my other cousin got engaged, my cousin's lost their family dog Spike and by some miracle our dog Mickey jumped of his deathbed and sprang back into father and uncle lost their jobs, thankfully my dad got a new one. Ninong, I’m still praying for you! And just when I was getting used to calling Wisconsin "home" my parents packed it up and went to razorback territory. We've traded in our cheese heads, brats, and beer, for walmart, baby food, and mike huckabee, what??? Xmas in AR-Kansas was interesting... stay tuned for my blog about that.

Eventhough my parents live in the AR now... Stockton is, in a lot of ways, still "home" to me. The one thing I regret about 2008 is that I didn't spend enough time w/ my LHS classmates who lived in LA, but have now moved back up north. Dr. Shore and Wongee.. I miss you guys. LA is not the same w/out you. I was glad to reconnect w/ a lot of my LHS former classmates on FB and seeing my buddy from across the street when she came for a conference was a real treat!

2008 also brought a lot of babies!! Welcome to Ethan Howard, Jasper Alexander, Zoe Marilynn, Abby Kay, Issac Thomas, I know there’s a lot more I’m forgetting… Congrats to the happy parents.

As for work… I’m still working for the same company, but I’ve split my time between two programs. The good thing about this is that I’ve been able to work w/ my home girl again which is awesome. However, it seems like a decision over which program I’m going to be working for next year is looming. Let’s hope I make the right one.

And finally…in a cruel twist of fate I met someone who completes me in almost every way I long to be completed and in some ways I never thought I was incomplete only to learn it was our destiny to be apart (well at least for 2009 and 2010). Pitch it's been fun while it's lasted. You taught me that it takes two to Tango while Quickstepping ur way into my heart. May you dance your way to happiness... Hehe

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions, because they are always ill-conceived and fleeting...but I hope for my friends and family to find happiness in 2009 (me too for that matter)

As for what 2009's a preview...

* My bestest bud and his wife are expecting. Yay! Auntie already loves you! Also, JB and KK are welcoming new additions to their families as well.
* Fisch Tank gets married. Along w/ one of my buddies from 08B that I miss at school.
* God willing… I will complete my MBA and graduate in June with my classmates! Whoo! Whoo!
* Most probably a new job position
* And the beginning of my “love quest”… I will find someone who loves me that will stay in the country, not go back to their ex, or not be a complete psychopath gosh darn it! Well I’m gonna try anyway

Happy New Year to all and I wish everyone one a happy and safe 2009!