Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Four Months Ago...

First things first, it’s been 4 months since my dad passed. Miss you Dad! (I promise not to make all of these about my dad, but I had to make that acknowledgment). Also, it seemed apropos that today is the 4 month anniversary of his death, because it really aligns with what I wanted to talk about w/ respect to today’s Act

Act 2:
It’s never too late… To Say Sorry

It takes courage but its worth the effort. It releases you. It enriches the other person. It ennobles you. It gives you both a new beginning." – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: "To see what is right and not to do is want of courage." ~Confucius

I kinda agree and disagree w/ this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about saying sorry (and meaning it), but once someone dies… it is kinda too late to say sorry to that person for whatever it is you’ve done to them. Luckily, I don’t have anything I regret not apologizing to my dad for. (that sentence is so funky, but you know what I mean). So, my conscience is clear in that respect. I agree in the sense that if you’ve wronged someone, by putting them down or hurting them physically/emotionally and you want to apologize… then yes…it is never too late to say you’re sorry. This morning I had Stevie Wonder’s Song “I Just Called To Say I Love You” in my head, but I changed the words to “I just called to say I’m sorry”. So go out and make a phone call or send an email/text to someone you’ve offended and say your sorry. It’ll probably make you feel better. =)

My parents brought me up to respect other people and have good manners – so always saying “Please” and “Thank You” has been ingrained in me since I was very little. They taught me to apologize for any wrong doing that I’ve done to others and to really mean it. So, saying “I’m sorry" for stepping on someone's foot or for behaving badly...is just a habit, but I do truly mean it. I was having a hard time coming up w/ stuff to apologize for, cause I usually say sorry right away or right when I found out I screw someone over/hurt them. So much so, that I’ve been told that I apologize too much and for things that I don’t need to apologize for. However, I’m not arrogant enough to think that there isn’t anything I need to apologize for… so, here we go.

  1. I’m sorry to my mom for being a complete bitch from the ages of 12-18 to her (and when I’m short w/ her on the phone) - I love you.
  2. I’m sorry to my brother for flying off the handle all those times that we were not communicating well enough to understand each other - I love you, too.
  3. I’m sorry to the rest of my family for not keeping in touch as well as I should. - You all mean so much to me.
  4. I’m sorry to my friends for not telling you how much you mean to mean as often as I should – I would not survive life w/out you.
  5. I’m sorry to those that I’ve wronged and didn’t know how badly I’ve hurt you. – I never want to walk around going through life so oblivious to other’s feelings/needs that I don’t recognize when I’ve hurt them.

Here’s a little game for you (cause I've had this song in my head since this afternoon) it seemed appropriate

Name that Song/Band

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say from each other
Even lover’s need a holiday
Far away from each other….

10 points to you if you can name that song – (Hint: “Sorry” is in the title)
Another 10 points if you can name the band – (Hint: I was there this weekend)

1 comment:

Lilfaust said...

Song: Hard To Say I’m Sorry
Band: Chicago