Friday, May 20, 2011

A Fresh Start

Act 5:

“It’s never too late… To Start Again

Look at nature. Nothing stays the same. Why should you? Use change wisely. Like a sporting champion, change a losing game. Keep the things that matter. Lose the things that don’t. Set some goals. Start afresh.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Imagination is more important that knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein

Starting again. Blogging again. This is my new start.

I originally started blogging because a friend of my moved away because she had pancreatic cancer. It was a way to let her know what was going on in my life and try to put a smile on her face, since she was in so much pain. It’s been almost five years since she died. RIP AMR. After that, I stopped writing, because it always made me think of her and it made me sad.

Then, I started blogging again, because I started doing reviews of all the Musicals I saw. I had been getting a lot of questions about what my opinion were on this musical vs. that one. At that point, I had seen about 75 musicals/plays. Now it’s closer to 100. I’d like to start doing the reviews again, so I’ll probably interchange them w/ these “It’s Never Too Late” blogs, whenever I see one. I stopped blogging again, cause I was in year 2 of 3 of graduate school (MBA) and just didn’t have time.

As for why I’ve started blogging again this time… check out the blog from a few days ago (May 16, 2011) and it tells you everything you need to know. In the spirit of something new, I changed the template on the blog yesterday. It was really bothering me that the main body of the blog was so narrow. I think it looks a lot better now. Thoughts? I’m still not completely happy w/ the look of the blog, so I’m gonna probably have to brush up on my html and learn a little bit more about this blogging thing as time passes.

Also, my friend Sharon (hey girl) asked me how to follow my blog.

My reaction: Uhh wow! Who knew that anyone would want to follow me? I think it’s awesome that someone actually wants to read it. Shoot. How does someone follow me? So, I consulted The ORACLE and then I put some widgets in to allow people to follow my blog. (I love the internet)

So, I promised everyone an update on my life over the last 2.5 years. Here’s what I’ve been up to, since Jan 2009. For the last two years it's basically been about finishing school and my school friends. In June 2009, I graduated and got my MBA from UCI. Shout out to the UCI FEMBA 09A’s love you guys. Well, all my MBA friends really, Full Time, FEMBAs, EMBAs, HCEMBAs c/o '07,'08,'10,'11,'12,'13. I’ve learned as much from you as I did in class.

I got a new job position (but w/ the same company) and I’m working w/ my old boss (who has the same bday as me). He's amazing.

Took a cruise through Alaska in Aug 2009. It was so beautiful. I took pictures of all the Salmon spawning at every cruise stop. My family made fun of me each time I pulled out my camera.

2010 was all about work and my dad. Work was a complete mess and I worked so many hours. There weren’t any major milestones that happened in 2010, so I guess there really wasn’t much to catch everyone up on. 2011 started off rough, but I feel the tide changing and starting to blog again, feels like only the beginning. =)

Shout out to all of you out there who are reading this, especially those who let me know you were reading/interested and made comments: Wanga, HGraz, DArase, KParrinello, CMunasinghe, MStrat, WDavis, Jose, Joanne, KBrooks, EKelly, JTuck, EMontgomery, ERussell, NPeterson, Ate Trixie, Ninanag B, Neil, & Mom. Have a great day/night.

Not sure, when I'll post next,since I'll be in Vegas for the GLEE concert. I may try to get it out before I leave or post when I return (if I can't post while I'm there)

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