Monday, May 30, 2011


Act 15:

“It’s never too late… To Run A Marathon

It’s much more than a race. It’s a magnificent personal challenge – as much mental as physical. Learn as you train. Take it gradually, in bit-sized chunks. Prepare your body and your mind carefully. Trust yourself. Commit yourself to finish. Keep your promise.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “We’re all athletes. Some are just better and faster than others.” ~ Anonymous

So, yesterday (and part of today) I had a GLEE-A-THON! For all those, that were mocking me about it, see there was a method to my madness. I wanted to not only enjoy my bday, but I also wanted to satisfy today’s Act. I took a slight liberty w/ today’s act, because there’s no way I’m gonna run a marathon. I’m not a runner. I really don’t like running w/out a purpose (like chasing a ball). I’m not in shape and even if I was, I have really bad knees, so running marathons are just not for me. I’ll leave that to my cousin Ryan and my other friends that are marathon, half marathon, biathlon, or triathlon runners.

I “ran” a GLEE-A-THON. I think it was a creative way to fulfill this act. So, CZ asked me what a GLEE-A-THON was… Well basically I watched ALL 22 episodes in season 2 of GLEE yesterday and today. In fact, my entire weekend was GLEE filled. I went to the GLEE live concert 3 times (yes, I know I’m a little nuts). I still have to go through all my pics from the concert and post the best ones on my FB. Here’s the set list for those interested. For the encore, they sang Single Ladies, Safety Dance, Friday, Empire State Of Mind, Somebody To Love (from Season 1).

As for the GLEE-A-THON, I watched the entire season 2. I have one question. Why did they change Blaine’s last name from Anderson to Warbler? In “Silly Love Songs” it’s Anderson and in “Blame It On The Alcohol” and “Prom Queen”, it’s Warbler. Did anyone else notice that?

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the Season that I didn’t use as my Quote of the week. I’ll put one from every episode. Can you name who said the quote? (I repeated characters here, unlike how I've been doing the GLEE Quote's Of the Week where I use a different character each week)

  1. Did you know there’s a forum on my blog to stop you from rapping?
  2. You’ve got more vests than the cast of Blossom
  3. God didn’t let you touch Rachel’s boobs. Rachel did.
  4. How can you do a duet with yourself? That’s like vocal masturbation or something
  5. I personally blame the Internet. Once Internet porn was invented, girls could watch without having to make that the embarrassing trip to the video store. Internet porn altered the female brain chemistry making them more like men and thus more concerned w/ our bodies
  6. Can I just say, This is what happens when people don’t put out. If everyone just put out we’d have a winning football team
  7. When I showed this to Brittney earlier she began to whimper thinking I had cut down a small tree where a family of gummy bears lived
  8. I popped the question in my building’s common use hot tub. Booyah. Not to worry ladies, it’s an open marriage.
  9. I prayed. I promised him that if I got out of there I’d start being nicer to people. Then I realized that there was no way I could do that so I changed it to just Jews.
  10. Get a good night’s rest Ken. You’re gonna need it. Barbie took the early flight from Tampa
  11. I am in crisis. Not even the can’t-lose combination of boobs and fire can get me going anymore. Is it the raccon hormones my new doctor gave me? Maybe
  12. Please I’ve had mono so many times I’ve turned into stereo
  13. I have to get my cross trainers. Wanna know why? Cause I’m gonna be doing some runs
  14. I don’t know what two guys do when they’re together. You know, I sat through that whole Brokeback Mountain. From what I gather, something went down in the tent
  15. Just remember when you have sex w/ someone you’re having sex w/ everyone they’ve slept with and everybody’s got a random
  16. My husband is verbally abusive and I’ve been drinking since noon
  17. Let me cut to the sexy chase. Think about how many more years you have left of productive ovulating. Those aren’t eggs in those fallopian tubes. They’re rare exotic pearls
  18. The only straight I am is straight up bitch
  19. Is it the truth? Or are you lying like when you didn’t give me a straight answer about the lacy panties?
  20. I traded loved for a fourth consecutive national championship. It was a bum deal. Maybe for a first, but not a fourth
  21. You kind of sing and dance like a zombie who has to poop
  22. I think you’re kinda mean, but I don’t think you’re stupid

1 comment:

Lilfaust said...

Here are the Answers
1. Jacob Ben Israel
2. Sue Sylvester
3. Emma Pilsbury
4. Santana Lopez
5. Artie Abrams
6. Santana Lopez
7. Sue Sylvester
8. Rod Remington
9. Noah Puckerman
10. Brittany S. Pierce
11. Sue Sylvester
12. Santa Lopez
13. Mercedes Jones
14. Burt Hummel
15. Holly Holiday
16. Carla Turlington
17. Dustin Goolsby
18. Santana Lopez
19. Brittany S. Pierce
20. Jesse St. James
21. Jesse St. James
22. Sunshine Corazon