Sunday, May 22, 2011

To Be Toned Or Not To Be Toned

Went to the GLEE concert last night at the Mandalay Bay Events center. I thought it was pretty great. I think I’ll save more of the details for another blog entry, because I don’t want to ruin it for those that are going to see it in Anaheim and LA this upcoming weekend. I’ll just say this: They have more solos and duets than group numbers this year. The staging is kinda funky, because there’s really two stages, the main front stage and a stage in the back of the floor area. I guess they did this to kinda let more people get closer to the action, than just the people in the front. The only problem w/ this is that unless you’re sitting on the sides, you have to turn around in your seat or you get to see their backs. Lastly, the encore is definitely worth staying for. I think I liked it better than the actual main part of the show. So excited to see it again this upcoming weekend!!

While in Vegas I visited JEM & got to meet Mason. Had a good time seeing you both.

Act 7:

“It’s never too late… To Get Fit

Think of yourself as a ‘street’ athlete. Start slowly…but start. Set your own, personal goals. Be realistic. Think how long it’s taken to get unfit. Walk one block, jog one block. Swim half a lap, paddle half a lap. Keep increases gradual, and manageable. Be proud as you progress. Never be afraid to ask for help.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Success isn’t the opposite of failure. A runner may come in last but, if he beats his record, he succeeds” ~ Anonymous

I think losing weight and getting fit go hand in hand. I think that most people would like to have the hot bodies we see on TV or at least want that toned, svelt look about them. I know I do. However, I don’t think I’ve been toned or svelt, since I quit gymnastics at the tender age of 13. Even in high school, I had a decent enough body, but wasn’t as toned as I wanted to be.

Yesterday’s blog was about “losing weight”. I talked about the program I’m on: The 6 Week Body Makeover. There are two parts to that program: 1) Speeding up your metabolism (using food) 2) Body shaping (using exercise). Today I’ll talk about the second part today – See yesterday for part 1

After you’ve figured out your body type on 6 Week Body Makeover (6WBM) and your dietary restrictions and food plan, you do another customization of the program for your body. There’s a body blue printing portion. You take these cards that have the 6 different body types for each of the three portions of your body: The upper body (face/chin, arms, back and shoulders), the middle section (your abdominal muscles and obliques, the lower body (legs, thighs, and butt). All in all there are 216 different body combinations. You pick the one that is most like your body type. Once you’ve blue printed your body, you turn the cards over and there are goals on the back to tone that part of your body. For example, if you have love handles, the back of the card says “tighten obliques”. Each card has a number and then there are specific exercises geared to help you meet your goals, using a resistance, whether it’s a resistance band and/or your body weight. You’re supposed to only do the exercises that will help you meet your goals on the back of the cards. So, if you have strong thighs and small calves, squats won’t help, but don’t calf rises will. The exercises take about 20 min to do and you only do one portion of your body a day, so you only work out that part of your body 2 times a week. You get one day of rest.

The other part of the body shaping portion of the program is to do Fat Burning Cardio. I didn’t know what this was until I started the program. I really only knew about Aerobic Cardio, where you get your heart rate up, by bouncing around and working up a sweat. According to the program, this does not help you lose weight (I’m supposing, because you are just building muscle underneath the fat you have). Fat burning cardio burns the fat. And the exercises above help you build muscle after you’ve burned the fat. Anyway, the difference between fat burning cardio and aerobic cardio is that your heart rate needs to stay at only 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. Aerobic cardio is anything between 70 – 85%. I learned that you shouldn’t be breathing hard when you are trying to burn fat. I did not know this, so walking around the block is ideal, not running (especially if you’re not in shape). Once you’re body adjusts, you may have to start jogging to keep your heart rate at the right level. This is good news for me, because I have bad knees.

So as for my progress on this portion of the program, not so good. =( I really haven’t been doing it. Partially, because the resistance band portion of the program is hard for me to do. I have high ceilings and doors and the band is not the right length for me to get a good resistance and do the exercise properly. However, I have been doing the fat burning cardio thing (somewhat). I have an elliptical machine that’s low impact and if I just use it lightly (while watching TV) I can keep my heart rate where it needs to be.

If anyone is interested in the 6WBM program, let me know and I’d be more than happy to share all the info w/ you or at least talk w/ you about it. I had my mom customize it to herself and I think she’s abiding by the dietary rules for the most part (not that she needs to lose weight, she actually needs to gain it). I also had my brother, who’s a gymnastics coach and knows a lot about what exercises work and what doesn’t, look at the exercises. He looked at my (and my mom’s) exercise plan and he thinks it’s legit. It was nice having a “professional” and someone I trust tell me that it’s not BS. It’s like having my own personal trainer (for free)… it’s awesome.

In an attempt “To Get Fit”, I will start to do the fat burning cardio portion of the diet and not blowing it off. I’ll look into fixing my resistance band problem, so I can actually do the body toning part of the program. I think once I start to implement these two portions of the program, I’ll lose those 10 lbs in no time.

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