Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today Is My Birthday...

Da Na Na Na Na Na

It's your birthday too....yeah
I say it’s my birthday
I’m gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s my birthday
Happy birthday to me!

Ok, so I changed the words around a little bit. It’s my bday – it’s my prerogative. I’m posting this super early, so I’m still not sure what I’m doing today (I haven’t even gone to bed yet). I’m still leaning towards having a GLEE-athon. The last two days I’ve spent going to the GLEE concerts in Anaheim and Downtown LA. Why not continue the theme? Plus, I’m really exhausted from the last two days. I need a day to recharge. My voice is gone and I think I might actually be getting a little sick. =(

I posted a status message on FB the other day saying “Deciding how to spend my bday... any ideas? Would anyone think less of me if I just stay at home and had a GLEE-athon?” Well, I got a couple of Yeses, which made me literally LOL. So I say to them… boo! I think I’ve had such an incredible week and wknd so far, that even though I don’t have too much planned today, it’s been a really good bday week. Who cares if I don’t actually do anything on my bday to celebrate? It’s my bday. I should spent it how I want. Besides, I usually don’t like to make a big deal out of my bday. I’m not a real attention whore, so I get really uncomfortable when people make a big fuss over me. (I like little fusses and on my own terms). Translation: I hate surprise parties. So, please friends, don’t ever throw me a surprise party!

I did want to share something w/ you. My friend Kat sent this to me on Facebook (BTW- she leaves for her Face2Face trip today). But the fact she made it for me, in the middle of packing and getting ready to leave, means a lot to me. I think it’s super awesome and really really cool. =)

35 years ago today… My parents got married (no they didn’t get married the day I was born) I was born on their 3rd wedding anniversary. I’ve always shared my bday w/ them or more accurately, they had to share their anniversary w/ me. This day has always been special for our family. My mom always tried to make it special for my brother also, so he didn't feel left out, so this is a day for all of us to celebrate and remember. Mom, bro, Love you! Dad, Miss you lots. Here are some pictures of that great day! Gotta love the 70s.

Act 14:

“It’s never too late… To Start A New Career

Your career is not you. It’s not your life – it’s your job. You can always expand your horizons or change direction. Remain positive. Find a new work challenge – one that inspires you. Explore it. Chase it with passion.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Live the life you’ve imagined.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I’ll write quickly about this. Hmm. I LOVE my job. Even when I’ve had a hard week (like I did this week)… Even when half the people I work with hate me… I kinda disagree w/ Mr. Lindsay on this one. Only because I like what I do. I don’t need to find a new career. The one I have IS me. It is my life (because I’m a work-a-holic) and it’s not just a job to me. I really do LOVE it. I am passionate about it. I am positive about it. It does inspire me. Now, not very many people can say that about their jobs. I know a lot of people that actually hate their jobs or are just in it for the money. I am not one of those people. In fact, in 2007 I had an opportunity to go and change jobs, change careers, go get the big bucks and I chose not to. I locked myself into a job that really wasn’t going to give the big bonuses or big raises, because I liked the work and the people I was going to have to deal w/ on a daily basis. This is not to say that I don’t complain every once in a while, but all in all... I’m pretty happy w/ the career choices that I’ve made and I don’t think I’m going to be changing that anytime soon. I’m what they call a “lifer”.

However, in the spirit of the act… What would I do if I had to get a new career? Hmm, I’m assuming this means all other engineering jobs are out. (Darn). I’d like to think I’d be able to do something noble like be a teacher or a coach (like my brother), but I don’t think I have the patience to deal w/ kids. Even though, in general, kids love me (probably cause I’m closer to the ground than other “grown ups”) I’d just be so afraid that I’d negatively impact some of them and scar them for life. Plus, I have a really bad potty mouth and I’m quite sure I’d get fired for cussing in front of them. – Note: I’m working on not cussing so much anymore, ut it’s a hard habit to break. There’s being a professor, but I’m not smart enough on any topic to get my PhD and although the work hours to non-work hours ratio are great, not sure I’d be able to pull off being a professor w/out my students thinking I was a complete dork/idiot. I’d want them to respect me and what I have to say, not secretly complain to the dean that their not learning anything.

I got my MBA a couple of years ago, so naturally something in that genre would fit, right? I did most of my electives in marketing (which is completely useless to my job, except for the fact that now I can completely tell when the contractors are marketing something to me and it’s a bunch of BS) but I dunno... I’m not really a “sales” person… and I’m not very creative, so marketing is not really my thing. I could always try to do something in the corporate world, but I’ve actually always wanted to open a restaurant. I have some friends who are excellent cooks/chefs and I would want to work the business end of the restaurant. I think I’d be a really good manager. I basically managed the on campus café I worked at during college. I know I could do that job and be good at it. That probably extends to any retail management job.

In general, I’m really organized and can multitask/switch tasks very well. I’m good a really good at solving problems and I like to make others happy. I think I would also make a really good party/wedding planner, etc. But, then again... I might just kill all those bridezillas. So, those are the two: Restaurant Owner/Manager or a Party Planner.

On a side note, I’ve made a bunch of tribute videos that have turned out really well. I enjoy playing around w/ editing software and cutting videos together. I could also see myself wanting to be an editor or something like that, because it’s still kinda technical and involves computers, which would be cool.

For those that know me, do you agree? I’d love to know what y’all think I would be successful at if I wasn’t an engineer. How about you? If you had to change careers, what would you choose?


Patricia said...

Omg so when do you want to open my restaurant/bakery with me?

Anonymous said...

lesa allt bloggid, nokkud gott