Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When He's Calling For You...

Listen to your heart
There's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
And I don't know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what it seems,
The feeling of belonging to your dreams.

Listen To Your Heart….

Act 16:

“It’s never too late… To Listen To Your Heart

Our world is loud, fast and chaotic. We need time to pause. To look around us. To hear our heart. It knows things your mind can’t understand. Take time out. Freeze frame your daily life. Be open to your heart. Listen to it” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The heart has its reasons, which reason knows nothing of” ~ Blaise Pascal

I started the day thinking this blog was going to go one way and then after talking to my brother, I’ve decided to go another way. I’m gonna listen to my heart on this one and just go w/ it.

Over the last couple of weeks my life has completely changed. My outlook on life is different. My attitude is different. My energy is different. I could go into all the reasons why (again), but I won’t do that. Go read my first blog entry of this series if you don’t remember. I actually just re-read it again. If you’ve known me over the last couple of years or my entire life, I sound like a completely different person. I started on this blogging adventure and just “jumped”. Had a leap of faith and after two weeks, I’m still going strong.

It’s not really like me to NOT think about consequences like “OMG it’s actually a lot of hard work to write a blog every single day. What the hell was I thinking?” or “Holy crap. This shit is permanent and out there for everyone to read. Maybe I should filter what I’m saying..” or “what if people don’t like what I’m saying? Don’t like me. What if I lose friends over this? What if I alienate people? What if they don’t like this new me? What if I offend someone?” This is all the cerebral part of me. The part that has ruled my life until now.

But instead of all those things (which I just thought of now… for this blog), you know what I have been thinking?.... I hope my family/friends enjoy getting a little time with me every day. I hope it brings me closer to them. I hope this connects us in a way it didn’t before. I hope these blogs inspire people. I hope it makes them smile. I hope they learn something, cause I’ve learned not only a lot about myself, but other topics by writing these things. I hope these blogs spark questions and conversations about the topics.

I’m thankful for people just reading one of these. Believe me, I know y’all have lives. I don’t expect you to read every day or even more than one. I don’t know if I could read someone else’s blog every day (especially cause I know how I can ramble on and there is an awful lot of stuff I put in these), but that’s the beauty of it being out there for the world to see. If you miss day, then you can go back and read it. If you didn’t finish, you can go back. I’m thankful to everyone for all the positive feedback. It makes me so happy to hear that people are reading and enjoying. It made my day to know that MStrat was talking about it w/ other moms and asked me if she could send the link to one of them. Umm. Heck ya send it to other people! I’ve inspired someone. I’m so happy. Please keep the feedback coming (even the negative ones). I’ve really only had one person be negative about the whole thing and well, he’s negative all the time, so I’m taking it w/ a grain of salt. So, what does all this have to do w/ today’s Act?

I listened to my heart when I decided to start this blogging adventure. I didn’t let my brain take over. I didn’t let fear stop me from going out there and doing something. Trying to make a difference. I followed my heart and it led me here. To this blog…. to this entry…. to all of you.

My brother said he likes this change he’s seeing in me and it has brought me closer to him. I like this change I’m seeing in myself. I no longer have negative energy and I’m happy all the time now. It’s like I’m high on life. And it’s all because I got inspired to change one thing in my life and that was to listen to what my heart was telling me to do. Which was to tear down the walls, open up myself, put something positive out into the world and people will accept it and accept me. And if they don’t? Well, then don’t let it get me down. I’m doing this for me. Following my heart. Doing what I feel is right, how can that be wrong? I’m not hurting anyone. If people don’t like my blogs, then they don’t have to read them. This is a complete 180 from how I would’ve thought about this before.

Before, I would be offended if people didn’t read them. I’d feel hurt like they didn’t accept me or didn’t like me, cause they didn’t support me. Writing these blogs makes me a little vulnerable and I’ve always wanted to be liked and loved. I craved it. Fear has kept me from opening up fully. Scared that people won’t like me or accept me for who I really am. My entire life has been about doing things for other people to gain their acceptance and love.

But my heart has told me that I’m strong enough to stand on my own two feet. I don’t need someone else’s approval to feel good about myself. It’s interesting that it’s taken me this long to figure that out. I’ve always done the “right” thing. The thing that made me “look the best”. Done what was expected of me. As I said, my brain has ruled my entire life and I realize now, that although I’ve had an amazing life so far. I really haven’t lived the best life I could have. I’m not a risk taker. I don’t do things unless I analyze them before hand, but this is changing. I don’t think I’m gonna go all crazy and completely change and completely stop analyzing things before hand, but I’ve noticed a difference and so have others. I’m trusting myself more. Trusting that my heart really knows what’s good for me. Trusting that it’ll lead me down the path, even if it’s scary or unknown. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, right?

At the end of the day you should have no regrets. I think that most people that listen to their hearts are happier than those that listen to their brains because most of us feel and live through our hearts. Our brains are logical and reasonable and most of the time logic and reason keep us from doing what we want. Our hearts tell us what we want. What we yearn for. Regret is just an unfulfilled want.

So, don’t let life pass you by. Listen to your heart. Go out and do something that will make you happy. Go out and fulfill a want. Have no regrets. Live life to the fullest. Don’t let your brain or fear hold you back. Listen to your heart!

Shout out to JulzTravels & Jordo. You both recently told me you’ve been reading. Love you both! If you’re out there reading, let me know and I’ll give a shout out to you too! I wanna show you some love for the support! Thanks to everyone again for supporting me and accepting me. Thank you for showing me that listening to my heart was the right thing to do. =)

Now that you’ve suffered through the longest blog I think I’ve written…. It’s Trivia Time!!!

10 Points: Name artist of the song in the beginning of the Blog

10 Points: Name this song and artist

Baby, please try to forgive me
Stay here, don't put out the glow
Hole me now, don't bother if every minute it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man that I've become

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was tryin' to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you….

10 Points: Name the artist and song

I could start dreamin' but it never ends
As long as you're gone we may as well pretend
I've been dreamin'
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Hint: Name of the song)

You say it's easy but who's to say
That we'd be able to keep it this way
But it's easier

10 Points: Name the artist and song (Hint: One of my favorite artists – Country baby!!)

I've never been the kind that you'd call lucky
Always stumbling' around in circles
But I must have stumbled into something
Look at me
Am I really alone with you
I wake up feeling like my life's worth living
Can't recall when I last felt that way
Guess it must be all this love you're giving
Never knew never knew it could be like this
But I guess

10 Points: Name the original artist and song (Hint: GLEE did a cover of this and so did the artist of the previous answer)

I hear the tickin' of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though

10 Points: Name the original artist and song

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes,
Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes,
Every now and then I fall apart

10 Points: Name the artist and song

Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loser

See yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you - and that's the only way

Shake - shake yourself
You're every move you make
So the story goes

10 points: Name the artist. 20 points: Name the Song (HINT1: This song is from their 5th studio album “Plans” album released in 2005. HINT2: I put all the lyrics to the song to help everyone out, song title is in there) Not sure if anyone else is gonna know this one, cause I don’t think they released it, but this is an example of the fact that some of my favorite songs are not released as singles! But I know my bro should get this – because I only have this song because of him

Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue

Home's face: how it ages when you're away
Spring blooms and you find the love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
Cause the chase is all you know
And she stopped running months ago

And all you see is where else you could be When you're at home
And out on the street Are so many possibilities to not be alone

The flames and smoke climbed out of every window
And disappeared with everything that you held dear
But you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
Cause you knew you were finally free

Cause all you see is where else you could be, When you're at home
Out on the street are so many possibilities to not be alone
And all you see is where else you could be,
when you're at home,
There on the street,
are so many possibilities to not be alone

Who got all 100 points w/out consulting The ORACLE?


Anonymous said...

Great Read...I definetely follow this "act"...listening to our hearts will allow us to start showing more compassion to others too. It's not just us that will benefit..pass it forward...You go girl! :-)

Patricia said...

I read your blog everyday, but this time I will let others answer your trivia...hehehe. BUT I will answer the first song...it's by Roxette. Love you, cuz!

Lilfaust said...

1. Roxette
2. Backstreet Boys, Shape Of My Heart
3. Bryan Adams, Straight From The Heart
4. Carrie Underwood, Some Hearts
5. Heart, Alone
6. Bonnie Tyler, Total Eclipse Of The Heart
7. Yes, Owner Of A Lonely Heart
8. Death Cab For Cutie, Your Heart Is An Empty Room