Thursday, May 26, 2011

Winter, Spring, Summer, Or Fall...

All you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

Act 11:

“It’s never too late… To Make A Friend

Your mother was right… if you can count your true friends on one hand, you’re a lucky person. Some of our best memories come from our friends. The real joy of friendship is when you give. To make a friend, give them your friendship. They will reciprocate. Treasure your friends.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

In general, I don’t really have a problem making friends. I think when you first meet someone; most people naturally gravitate towards nice and honest people. I think I’m a nice and honest person. I’ve been told I have a nice smile and people like that too. =)

If I have any problem at all it’s keeping friends. I think sometimes my honesty is too honest. My brother told me the other day that he would add something to my “I’m sorry” list in that blog. He would add “I’m sorry for telling the truth, even if that truth hurts and sometimes people can’t handle that”. (I’m paraphrasing, but it was something like that). I also have a wicked temper (must be the Gemini thing). I can be super nice and super nasty too. (just ask anyone that has worked w/ me, lived w/ me, and is related to me, … haha)

Mr. Lindsay says: “To make a friend, give them your friendship”. I decided to write an email to someone and give them my friendship… it was such a weird phrase to say, but we’ll see how it goes. Feel free to go out, email, text, call someone one and give them your friendship. I’d like to know if that tactic actually works.

Recently, I became friends w/ Kat Brooks. She has 5000 Facebook friends and is going out to meet 50 of them in her new documentary Face2Face. She said she knows 2 out of the 50 personally. The rest probably friended her because they are fans of hers (like I am). Now that's the way to make friends! Go KAT! Support Face2Face! It's an amazing concept. But, not all of us are movie writers/directors like Kat, so I think there's probably a more conventional way we could go about it.

I consulted “The ORACLE” on how to make friends… and wikiHow gave 21 things that you should do. It’s an ok list, but I think halfway through it turned into “how to keep your friends”…

  1. Spend more time around people. – agreed. Play the percentage game. The more people you are around the better chance you have at making a friend!
  2. Join an organization with people who have common interests. – It’s easy to chat it up w/ people if you have something in common
  3. Join a sports team. – Only works if you are good at sports. Most people are competitive and if you suck, you may end up w/ an enemy instead of a friend
  4. Join a club that does a lot of activities, it's a great way to meet new people. – Sounds like they combined #1 & #2
  5. Volunteer. – Not only will you make friends, you’ll probably feel a lot better helping someone
  6. Talk to people. – Well it’s hard to make friends if you don’t but again.. it’s a percentage thing
  7. Make eye contact and smile. – Yes – I like this one. =)
  8. Start a conversation. – So hard for us introverts to do, but it does help the process
  9. Make small talk. – mindless chit chat can lead to something you both have in common.
  10. Introduce yourself at the end of the conversation. – I actually think you should do this first. It’s like someone only wants to tell me their name “after” they wanna make friends… that’s BS.
  11. Initiate a get-together. – Or a way to stay in contact
  12. If you've discovered that the person you're talking to has a common interest, ask him or her more about it and, if appropriate, whether they get together with others (in a club, for example) to pursue this interest. – I feel like this one should be after #10
  13. Ask them out for lunch or coffee. – isn’t this like #11?
  14. Don't do anything to pressure someone into being friends with you. –ya using scary eyes and a threatening voice will not help… Does this really need to be advice? Isn’t this a given?
  15. Be a good friend. – uh… if you’re not friends yet…
  16. Be reliable. – Yes (punctual is also a good one)
  17. Be a good listener. – Very important
  18. Be trustworthy. – Goes w/ being honest
  19. Be there for the person. – See what I mean about the “keeping” friends part.
  20. Choose your friends wisely. – this should be choose the people you want to be friends w/ wisely.
  21. Put emphasis on the good, unique qualities about yourself -I feel like this should be earlier, when you’re trying to snag them during the convo.

Anyway... Go out and make a friend today, then tell me how it goes. =)


Heidi said...

I actually think the introduce yourself after the conversation thing makes sense. If we have the conversation first, people like me (who are really bad at remembering names), will have something to anchor the name with. For example, Nina, oh yeah, she's the one who is obsessed with Glee ;-) Ok, in reality, it is probably good to do it when you meet and then maybe reitirate at the end.

Lilfaust said...

Here's how you remember a person's name when you first meet them. If you repeat it 3x when you first hear it, it'll help you remember. Hi, Heidi. Nice to meet you, Heidi. So, Heidi, what do you do? Just a little tip I picked up at a B-school networking event!
But I've got the memory of an elephant, so it's easy for me.