Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bucket List

My first Non-"It's Never Too Late" Post, since I've been doing them. Y'all get two posts tonight!!! I will do some of these every once in a while. I'm posting this in response to Erin Kelly's post. =) Play along. Find a way to send your list to me either on FB or email me. I'd like to know what yours are. =P

Copy and paste the list below and let me know what you have done.
These are mine:
( ) Shot a gun - Hate guns. =(
(X) Gone on a blind date
(X) Skipped school - I'm gonna count college where I skipped all the time, but I had perfect attendance from middle school all the way through high school (yes... i know i'm a nerd)
(X) Watched someone die - Unfortunately, that was about 5 months. Love & miss you, dad!
(X) Visited Canada - Went to Vancouver on a cruise
(X) Fell in love with someone you could never have - it still hurts
(X) Visited Hawaii - Can't wait to go back. My "Trip" blog has pics
( ) Visited Cuba - not on my list
(X) Visited Europe - Again go check My "Trip" Blog for pics
( ) Visited South America - SOOO on my list
(X) Visited Las Vegas - I was just there about a month ago
(X) Visited Mexico - Many many times
(X) Visited Florida - We have a time share there
( ) Seen the Grand Canyon - on my list
(X) Flown on a plane - Going on one on Sun
( ) Served on a jury - on my list (it's weird, but I'd like to say i've done it!) I want to do my civic duty
(X) Been lost - Too many times to count. I hate being lost!
(X) Traveled to the opposite side of the country - All the time for work
(X) Visited Washington, D.C. - All the time for work (going there on Sun)
( ) Recently colored with crayons - Does writing in colored pens count? No, I didn't think so. =(
(X) Sang Karaoke - I LOVE Karaoke!
( ) Sang a solo or duet in church - Does singing at the wrong time count? Nope, didn't think so either. =(
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only - I actually did this the other day. The drive thru lady was annoyed. a little over $2 all in coins
(X) Made prank phone calls - When I was in middle school
(X) Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose - And it was soda so it hurt!
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Last two Xmas'
(X) Had a pet - Ahh Tikoy. I miss you!
(X) Been skinny-dipping outdoors - Erin's comment made me laugh "Um, skinny dipping indoors is called a bath!" - but wait what about an indoor pool?
(X) Been fishing - I remember doing this on the pier w/ my grandpa. We never caught anything. haha
(X) Been boating - My old officemate "LOES" took me out a couple of times
(X) Been downhill skiing/Snowboarding - (I know my brother is laughing... cause I look like a ridiculous when I snowboard)
(X) Been water skiing/wake boarding - TAHOE baby!
(X) Been camping in a trailer/RV - I hate camping, but as a kid i went w/ a friend's family
(X) Been camping in a tent - hated every min of it. I'm so those girls in Troop Beverly Hills
( ) Flown in a small 4-seater air-plane - I think the smallest i've been in was 8-seats. I wonder if I could get R.Dach to hook me up (JEM - ask your hubby for me)
( ) Flown in a helicopter - I feel like the answer is yes (in Hawaii), but maybe I imagined it? On my list
( ) Flown in a hot air balloon - on my list!
(X ) Walked on a glacier - In Alaska!
(X) Been a motorcycle passenger
( ) Been bungee-jumping - Such a chicken shit about heights, so unless someone was jumping w/ me (or I was on Amazing Race) I don't ever think I'd ever do this.
(X) Gone to a drive-in movie - I wish there were places we could still do this!
(X) Done something that could have killed you-but not bungee jumping - Driving! I got bumped on the 405 and my car spun (twice) and I almost got hit by a big semi!
(X) Done something that you will regret - Agree w/ Erin on this "Haven't we all?
(X ) Rode an elephant - I did this when I went to Thailand
(X) Eaten just cookies, cake or donuts for dinner - Many times!
(X) Been on TV - I was actually on TV this year! I watched the SuperBowl at a bar. My Packers won and they got us celebrating. I was on at least 3 channels. My Homegirl saw it and text me on my way home from the bar!
( ) Stolen any traffic signs - No, I'm such a good girl.
(X) Been in a car accident - too many times
( ) Been in a serious car accident - No. Thank God (although if that Truck hit me, it would've been serious)
(X ) Donated blood - Yes. I should do it more
( ) Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane - Did I mention I was Chicken shit when it comes to this stuff?
( ) Gone Curling ... on my list. I wanna use that little broom (sweep, sweep, sweep)
( ) Been in a fist fight - I've punched someone (lightly), sorry Nick! But he didn't hit me back. I only did it to get his attention and to get him to stop being a whiny bitch!
(X) Made something out of clay - as a kid
(X) Made something out of wood - as a kid...I use to "try" to whittle stuff
( ) Climbed a mountain (Stone Mountain doesn't count) - on my list
(X) Went mountain biking - not really my thing, but ya
(X) Rode a skateboard - sucked at it
( ) Recently hand wrote a letter (Yes, a real pen & paper)- I love snail mail, but no i haven't in a while. I think the last time was like 5 years ago.
(X) Written a story - yup, although writing is not my strong suit.

I have a bunch of stuff on my Bucket list that are not on this list. I'll have to post that at some point.


Jamie said...

Richard hardly needs encouragement to go flying, so whenever you want to go, just give us a ring.

Unknown said...

These are mine:
(X) Shot a gun
(X) Gone on a blind date
( ) Skipped school
(X) Watched someone die - on an elevator
(X) Visited Canada - several times
( ) Fell in love with someone you could never have
(X) Visited Hawaii
( ) Visited Cuba
(X) Visited Europe
( ) Visited South America
(X) Visited Las Vegas
(X) Visited Mexico - Many many times
(X) Visited Florida
(X ) Seen the Grand Canyon - and hiked to the bottom
(X) Flown on a plane - Jeez....
( ) Served on a jury - not on my list
(X) Been lost -
(X) Traveled to the opposite side of the country
(X) Visited Washington, D.C. -
( ) Recently colored with crayons
(X) Sang Karaoke
( ) Sang a solo or duet in church - Don't go
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only
(X) Made prank phone calls
( ) Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue - easy I ski a lot
(X) Had a pet
(X) Been skinny-dipping outdoors
(X) Been fishing
(X) Been boating - sailing is better!
(X) Been downhill skiing/Snowboarding - check
(X) Been water skiing/wake boarding
(. ) IBeen camping in a trailer/RV. Like to
(X) Been camping in a tent - including solo in bear county
(X ) Flown in a small 4-seater air-plane - Solo too
(X ) Flown in a helicopter - Miltary only
( ) Flown in a hot air balloon - on my list!
(. ) Walked on a glacier
(X) Been a motorcycle passenger
( ) Been bungee-jumping
(X) Gone to a drive-in movie
(X) Done something that could have killed you-but not bungee jumping - Too much to count
(X) Done something that you will regret -
(X) Rode an elephant -
(X) Eaten just cookies, cake or donuts for dinner - Many times!
(X) Been on TV
( ) Stolen any traffic signs - No, I'm such a good guy
(X) Been in a car accident - too many times
( ) Been in a serious car accident - No.
(X ) Donated blood - Yes. I should do it more
( ) Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane
( ) Gone Curling ... Huh?
( ) Been in a fist fight
(X) Made something out of clay - as a kid
(X) Made something out of wood - as a kid
(X) Climbed a mountain. Too many to count
(X) Went mountain biking -
(X) Rode a skateboard - sucked at it
( ) Recently hand wrote a letter. Nope
(X) Written a story - nope