Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Don't Be A Mindless Sheep

Act 44:

“It’s never too late… To Break Away From The Herd

It can take cold courage. It’s your chance to follow your heart, lift your head up, choose your own course. It can bring distain and abuse. But it will also bring esteem and admiration. But above all, it brings self respect. Stand on your own feet. Be an individual.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “No-one can escape from his individuality.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

This is an interesting one for me. I’m very independent, but I do care about what other people think. I do like for everyone to get along. But, I’ve never suffered from “group think”. I have my own opinions. I’ve never really been afraid to SHARE my opinion, even if it means that I’ll alienate people. So much so that I’m always known as “the bitch”. I’ve already said in another blog that some people at work call me “Mean-na”. I’m very opinionated. Honestly, I think this is the only reason I can write this blog everyday… because I have an opinion on EVERYTHING, so I just voice that opinion in my blog. So, in that context... it's a good thing.

At work, I’m very opinionated (granted that’s my job). I really am not swayed very easily, unless you present a GOOD and LOGICAL argument. Apparently, some people I work with have a hard time doing this, so I kinda just shut them down and press ahead. I guess this gives me a bad reputation at work, but like I’ve said before. I don’t need for people to like me at work. I just need them to respect me, respect my opinion, and just follow whatever the hell I say (haha j/k on that last one).

So, I’m not a mindless sheep following the herd at work. I’m actually usually the one leading the herd in my direction (even if they don’t want to go there)… my powers of hypnotism (facts, logic, charming smile, annoyingly almost always right intuition and lots of top cover) are often used to direct my co-workers down the path they either don’t want to go and/or don’t know enough to realize that they don’t want to go there… (haha). It’s a good position to be in, where people listen to you (or are swayed by you). Leading the herd, instead of just being a part of it. Even in my personal life, I kinda just do my own thing. In lieu of another leader stepping up, I usually end up doing it. The one who yells loudest, gets their way, right? (or something like that)

Since I don’t really have a problem “breaking away from the herd”…. Let’s think about the opposite (at least for me… ) My question is… Is there such a thing as being too individualistic? Too opinionated? There’s breaking from the herd and there’s just being isolated or an outcast. There has to be a balance, right? This is my problem… especially at work. I always think I’m right, so it’s really hard for me to accept others opinions and “follow the herd”, even though I KNOW I should do this sometimes. My boss always tells me to “pick your battles.” To me this means – Know when to be a sheep. Know when to follow the herd. It’s okay to not always have the answers. It’s ok to let others take the lead. I constantly have to remind myself of this (not just at work).

Right now at work, we’re trying to get a document through our change board process and it’s driving me crazy that we are so inefficient and unorganized, but I’m trying to be one of the “herd”. Well sort of… it’s hard when you helped design the damn thing and everyone is always looking for your approval. But for the most part, I’m trying to let the other members of the team take the reins and I'm trying to just sit back and watch. But of course, I always have to get my two cents in if they are going down the right path. (haha)

Moral of the story: It’s ok to march to the beat of your own drummer. You don’t always have to follow others or conform to others' ideas of what’s “Right”. Have the strength to follow your own convictions and stand tall. Standalone if you have to. But most likely, your confidence and self reliance will attract others and you will have your own herd, instead of following someone elses. I only caution you and want to add something to today’s Act. Make sure there’s a balance. Know how to break away, but also know how to follow.


Ryan F said...

This is a great entry. Definitely touches on professional skills I think about day-in and day-out. Everybody should think about this if they wanna survive in the work environment. I admire your candid portrayal of strengths and needed improvements. I'm working on mine as well.

bruinangie said...

Who calls you "Meana"?! :(

Unknown said...

Not me!