Monday, June 27, 2011















Act 43:

“It’s never too late… To Cheer For A Team

Turn your attention outward. Find a sport you love and a team you admire, or pity. Follow their fortunes. Get on board. Lend your support. Give them your passion. Savour the highs and lows. Enjoy the ride.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “An individual can make a difference, a team can make a miracle.” ~ Anonymous

College: Since I went to UCLA, I’m a huge Bruin fan AND a Pac-10 fan. UCLA has won 107 NCAA Team Championships. Stanford is number 2 at 101 and USC is number 3 at 93. According to wiki, the next one is Oklahoma State at 50! The PAC-10 ROCKS! I love the 8-clap! That’s the cheer I did at the beginning of the blog!

Basketball: I’m a big Sacramento Kings fan. I know they SUCK right now, but I’ve been a huge fan of theirs since the CWebb days. Back when there was Doug Christie, Mike Bibiy, Peja, Turkulou, Brad Miller and Vlade. I lived in Stockton for my last three years of high school. The Kings were our team. My dad was a Laker fan, back when it was the “showtime” Lakers and I liked them at that time too. Now, I’m a Laker hater. I’ve never liked Kobe. I think he’s an amazing basketball player, but he’s a ball hog and he just takes on too much. It’s like…hey, I’m super awesome, so I’m gonna take on 4 guys at once and proceed to get stuffed instead of passing off to my super open teammates! Anyway, I’m excited about Jimmer Fredette from BYU coming to the Kings next year. We are gonna be an offensive machine! GO KINGS!!

Football: Anyone who read my blog a couple of days ago knows I like football. Anyone who has known me during football season knows I’m a HUGE Green Bay Packers fan! Not sure how I got into it. I honestly think it’s because when I would play Madden on Nintendo, I played w/ Green Bay. Then I started rooting for them in real life. My dad was a 49er Fan and always thought it was weird that I was a Packer fan. I LOVED Brett Farve and he was the reason I was such a big fan. I have a signed jersey of his. I was a fan back when they won in 1997 and have continued to be a die hard fan. Even as they lost Farve, who I’m kinda pissed at still, I stuck w/ them. (I think I’ll get over it now that he’s no longer quarterbacking for the enemy and he’s finally kept his penis in his pants and retired) Now we have Aaron Rodgers and he’s AWESOME! LOVE LOVE HIM! As time passed, my parents moved to Wisconsin and they became Packer fans.

These are pics from the one Packers game that I’ve been to. We watched the game on Xmas Day in 2005. My dad got us the hook up and we watched from the Sargento Box. It was snowing that day, so it was awesome. We had free food. Free beer. AMAZING! I will never forget that game, even if they lost to the Bears. My bro was happy cause he’s a bears fan. =(

This year my Packers won it all. The Packers winning was bittersweet because my Dad didn’t get a chance to see them win it all, but I know he was looking down on them cheering them on. When we were in the hospital, we watched the playoff games and he would doze off during the game. He would ask if the Packers won the minute he woke up. This is also the first year I watched the game at a bar. I usually watch at someone’s house or at my place. Watching at a bar is pretty cool. We went to The Underground in Hermosa Beach. I actually got on TV! My homegirl text me on the way home saying “you’re on TV” and sent me this photo. I was on three different news stations celebrating. How cool is that?

So there you have it. I cheer on UCLA, the Sacramento Kings, and the Green Bay Packers. If I HAD to pick a baseball team, I’m probably an Angels fan and even though I don’t like hockey very much… I’m partial to the San Jose Sharks. Let me know who you cheer for. Whomever you’re team is… support them even in the bad times (like I do w/ the Kings). I know my homegirl cheers on the Clippers even when they were horrible, but now they’ve got Blake and look to be pretty good next year. Don’t be a bandwagoner, it’s just embarrassing. My only caveat is if you don’t already have a team… then I guess it’s ok. Find a team and stick w/ them. Cheer them on. They feed off your energy! GO UCLA! GO KINGS! GO PACKERS!


Ryan F said...

Hockey... do you mean SJ Sharks or LA Kings? No such team as SJ Kings :P

Ryan F said...

that first comment was from cuzin Ryan. My identity didn't show up at first.

Lilfaust said...

Okay Ryan - I fixed it. good catch. It's San Jose Sharks

Whitney said...

You may get your Kings close to you after this year. Sucks to like a crappy team, but maybe we'll come back this year.