Friday, June 17, 2011

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

Act 33:

“It’s never too late… To Be Patient

We live with constant change, with daily demands for quick decisions and automatic responses. Slow down. Give yourself time to consider, to sort through complicated issues, to wait for responses. Patience calms our lives. It offers options.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Everything comes to him who waits.” ~ Proverb

Patience is not generally something I have a lot of. I am typically a very impatient person. I get annoyed fairly quickly and have a short fuse. Or shall I say I “used” to? I’m working on this. Things can’t always happen on your timeline, in fact, I’m a strong believer in fate and/or destiny. Things happen for a reason. Things happen “when they happen” for a reason. Be patient. Maybe whatever it is you want will come to you, just not when you expect it. Let me give you three examples of what I’m talking about, because had these three things happened on different days or when I wanted them to, I think today would’ve been very different…

So, today should’ve or could’ve been a very bad day. 5 months ago today my father passed. However, today ended up to be a GREAT day. My dad must be looking down on me.

  • Today, I got the final piece of a “surprise” I’m making for a friend. It’s so freaking cool. Once I give the present to her, I’ll post pics of the surprise.
  • Today, I (WE) hit the $2000 fundraising goal for my "Plant a Forest” campaign. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR DONATING!!!! Even if I hit my fundraising goal, please feel free to donate if you’re still interested. I had a friend donate $300 after I hit $2000. (He donated anonymously, other wise I'd give him a public shout here) I will say this THANK YOU for being so awesome. You are wonderful.
  • Today, I got a $100 a week raise! How awesome is that? Seriously, this was so unexpected. However, it’s nice to know that my management appreciates me. I’m so happy.

How does this all fit into Today’s act??? Well, here’s how.

  1. I’ve been working on this surprise for my friend for the past week. I had this brilliant idea, but I had to order something specifically to make the surprise extra special. For DAYS, I’ve been waiting for this package to come. Every day I would check the mail, because the guy said it would come on Tues!! (It’s FRIDAY!) Anyway, I only got the tracking number yesterday, but I was still happy it came today. I had to be patient for three days and it FINALLY came. I hope she likes the surprise I'm making for her....
  2. I finally hit my goal, but getting across the line was like watching paint dry. At the half way point of the fundraising event I had hit 83% of my goal. 2 Days ago I had 95% of my goal and only $109 left to go. Last night I had $14 left to go and I kept refreshing all day long. I posted it to twitter and facebook. I thought for sure it would happen right then. Nothing. Then I went to a meeting and when I came out it happened! I just had to stop watching and wait. This just proves the idiom “A watched pot never boils”
  3. I work hard. Like me or hate me at work. I think everyone I work with would say I’m a hard worker. Last year, I worked an average of 50 hours a week (and I was getting paid for it). Overtime rocks. This year, that overtime well went away and we were no longer approved to get paid for the extra hours we worked. By the way, i know doctors and lawyers work long hours, etc. However, most of the people I work with, do not put in extra hours. So, it's not a normal thing. Well, although I’m no longer working 50 hours a week, I still work about 45 at least. Sometimes I hit 50, but I try to make myself go home only to spend an hour on the BB when i do. (sigh) We are short staffed and there’s only two of us working the issues (my boss and me). I was told that the overtime hours may or may not come back. My boss told me he’d try to take care of me (like he always does). Last week I got a spot award for $175 at our company all hands. I was like... Cool. That’s awesome. Yay! Only to find out that his boss’ boss (2 levels up from my boss) put me in for a raise. She saw how hard I was working and rewarded me. My boss had no clue. Again, how awesome is that? This is even better than overtime, cause this is permanent!! So amazing. I’m so grateful.

Be patient. Good things will happen to you. I think that I’ve been putting all this good energy out there for the last month, blogging, doing the fundraiser, F2F, not really expecting anything good to happen to me. Just hoping to affect change in myself (and maybe others). Karma has repaid me and on a day that could’ve been filled w/ tears of sadness. They are now filled w/ tears of joy! I’m so extremely happy. Thanks Dad for the great day. I love you and I miss you!

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