Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Act 38:

“It’s never too late… To Walk The Kokoda Track

Whether literally or figuratively, everyone must walk their own Kokoda Track. It’s a physical and mental challenge – mostly mental. It pushes you past your boundaries. It shows they are illusions. It makes you reassess the important things in your life. It teaches you mental toughness. And humility. And compassion. It builds your confidence.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “They can because they think they can.” ~ Virgil

Are you thinking what I was thinking? What the heck is a Kokoda Track??? Before consulting The ORACLE, I thought about what this could be? Maybe it’s a way of thinking like some cheesy “live enhancement seminars called “Talk that talk and walk the walk to success” or “Improve your life by “walking the kokoda track”. I’m think it could be a person or something. So, I looked it up. Wiki says:

“The Kokoda Trail or Track is a single-file foot thoroughfare that runs 96 kilometres (60 mi) overland — 60 kilometres (37 mi) in a straight line — through the Owen Stanley Range in Papua New Guinea. The track is the most famous in Papua New Guinea and is renowned as the location of the World War II battle between Japanese and Australian forces in 1942.

The track starts, or ends, at Owens Corner in Central Province, 50 kilometres (31 mi) east of Port Moresby, and then crosses rugged and isolated terrain, which is only passable on foot, to the village of Kokoda in Oro Province. It reaches a height of 2,190 metres (7,185 ft) as it passes around the peak of Mount Bellamy.

Hot, humid days with intensely cold nights, torrential rainfall and the risk of endemic tropical diseases such as malaria make it a challenge to walk. Despite the challenge posed it is a popular hike that takes between four and twelve days (depending on fitness). Locals have been known to hike the route in three days.”

Who knew? Come on… show of hands… who knew this? Unless you are a WWII buff and/or have been there/from that part of the world… I don’t believe you, if you raised your hand. Although, I bet my Uncle John knew this one… Ok this finding enlightens me in two different ways.

1) Kokoda is a trail!! A passage way used in WWII. Wow. And it takes 4-12 days to walk it? Umm how about 40? Cause that’s how long I think it’ll take me. I know I just broke my rule of not putting the topic in the title of the blog, but since I know most of us didn't know what it was... I had to!

2) I always thought Patrick Lindsay was English, because of the way he spells stuff. However, this little tidbit makes me think he’s Australian and I looked him up and behold… he is. This made me want to know more about him. He has an entire website and like 15 books. Why in the world have I not researched him before now? I mean this man’s writing has been in my life for 38 days now… WTF, I’m a such a dumbass.

Back to the Act – I’m never gonna do this. This is like running a marathon for me. It will take way too much preparation and I’m a lazy ass. However, I’m not ruling out the possibility of going to visit the Kokoda Track, but I’m never gonna walk it. There are so many other ways to push my boundaries and stress my mental toughness than this here in the states. So, I’ve decided that I’m gonna forgo this Act and do this… I’m gonna research Patrick Lindsay (like I should’ve already done) and read another one of his books.

He has 3 books that have Kokoda in the title, so I think I should read one of those to fulfill this act. Thoughts? Is this a cope out? Well, I don’t really care. That’s what I’m doing. I decided on “The Esssense of Kokoda” It looks like the best one of the three that’s gonna tell me what Kokoda Track was all about and why it was so important to WWII and Australian history. Any objections?


Whitney said...

I think it's more figurtive than literal - do something challenging. So, while you won't be going on a multi-day backpacking trip or running a marathon, maybe reading a book that you would normally pass over might count. Maybe you could find a simple hiking trail in your area and go with a friend or two - you'd be challenged and get to enjoy the beauty.

Kokoda Track said...

“The Kokoda Trail or Track is a single-file foot thoroughfare that runs 96 kilometres (60 mi) overland — 60 kilometres (37 mi) in a straight line — through the Owen Stanley Range in Papua New Guinea. The track is the most famous in Papua New Guinea and is renowned as the location of the World War II battle between Japanese and Australian forces in 1942. Kokoda Track