Sunday, June 12, 2011

Never Back Down

Hard to Make a Stand by Sheryl Crow

Old James Dean Monroe
Hands out flowers at the Shop-N-Go
Hopes for money but all he gets is fear
And the wind blows up his coat
And this he scribbles on a perfume note
"If I'm not here, then you're not here"
And he says, "Call me Miscreation,
I'm a walking celebration"

And it's hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand

My friend, o lawdy,
Went to take care of her own body,
And she got shot down in the road
She looked up before she went,
Said, "This isn't really what I meant"
And the daily news said,"Two with one stone"
And I say, "Hey there, Miscreation,
Bring a flower, time is wasting"

And it's hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand

We got loud guitars and big suspicions,
Great big guns and small ambitions,
And we still argue over who is God
And I say, "Hey there, Miscreation,
Bring a flower, time is wasting”
And I say, "Hey there Miscreation,
we all need a celebration"

And it's hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand
Hard to make a stand

Act 28:

“It’s never too late… To Take A Stand

Sometimes we need to draw the line because we know it’s right and for our own self respect. Your heart will tell you when the time is right. When it does, listen. Then fight hard. You will respect yourself. So will others.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Justice is truth in action” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Take a stand. Fight for what you believe in. Never back down.

Most people who know me would agree that I usually never back down from a fight. Which is mostly a good attribute to have, except for the fact that it has taken a while to learn that sometimes backing down is actually the smartest move at the time. My boss always tells me to “Pick Your Battles”. I’m getting better at it. Usually, I go in guns blazing every time. But sometimes “being right” and “winning” every battle isn’t as important as losing a battle here or there, but then ultimately winning the war. Saving up your resources and/or energy for the bigger fights that are more important to win is the best strategy. I’m actually struggling w/ this very issue at work right now. I won’t get into it cause I’ll get in trouble for discussing it. Anyway, speaking of work... I’ve found that people either love me or hate me at work. I’m a stickler for consistency and super super anal. My customers “love” me because I fight for their needs and I don’t let our contractors run all over us. Most of the contractors I work with “Hate” me, because I don’t let them get away w/ their BS when they try to pull one over on us. I’ve been called “Mean-na” and I’ve been referred to as a “little bulldog” who’s bark (while very very loud) is not nearly as dangerous as her bite. So, note to all of you out there... don’t cross me when I’m pissed! =) haha.

So tonight’s ACT….Take a STAND! There are so many worthy causes to talk about: bullying in schools, teen pregnancy, death penalty, racism (yes it still exists in 2011), global warming, animal rights, etc... However, tonight I’ve decided to talk about Gay Rights, specifically Gay Marraige. Here’s why. It just so happens this weekend was Gay Pride weekend here in Los Angeles. Also, tonight is the 65th Annual Tony Awards, where NPH opened the show by singing that “Broadway” is not just for gays anymore. It seemed like the stars aligned for me to talk about it tonight. So, if Broadway isn’t just for gays anymore, then the world shouldn’t be just for hetros anymore.

My whole life I’ve always fought for things to be “fair”, yet I’m finding out life isn’t “fair”. Well, in this particular case it should be. One would think being Catholic, I’d be against gay rights but I’m not. I just don’t understand what the hang up is about. Jesus’ message was to love each other as equals. The golden rule: Treat others as you would like others to treat you. How is banning gay marriage or banning gays from church following Jesus' path? I know it's sacrilegious to say this, but The Pope and the Catholic Church have this one wrong. I've been watching The Borgias, where it discusses that the papacy under Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) was corrupt and used the church to promote his agenda, not God's. I'm not suggesting that is the case now... my point is that the Pope and his advisers are not infallible.

According to this article, 29 states have a constitutional ban against gay marriage (including freaking California, which is one of the most liberal states out there). 14 more have laws against gay marriage, but it’s not in their constitution. That’s 86% of the United States. That’s crazy!

I feel like Gay Rights will go down in history like Civil Rights and Women’s rights. I feel like we need to keep fighting and in 50 years, people will think it was silly to deny marriage to the gay community. Remember… there was a time women were not allowed to work, or get the same pay, vote or even own property!! Remember… there was a time African Americans did not have the same rights as “white” people. They had to sit in predetermined sections of a bus or restaurant or not even walk on the same side of the street or couldn't vote. I have no idea what that’s like, because I grew up in 80s where African Americans can marry who they want, walk where ever they want, sit on the bus where ever they want and where women can work, demand equal pay, own property and vote!

I’m reminded of that HBO TV movie If These Walls Could Talk 2 made in 2000. The first story was set in the 60s. It was about these two ladies who had lived together as a couple for 30 years. One falls off a ladder and dies in a hospital. The nurses didn’t even tell her partner she had died, because she wasn’t “family”. The lady who died owned the house, so it went to her nephew or son. He ended up kicking the other lady out of the house, because he wanted to sell it. How sick and wrong is that? I know it’s just a story, but I know it happens all the time (even today). A woman who had shared her life w/ another woman for 30 years can’t even know the condition of her partner and then gets kicked out of her house, because her name wasn’t on the deed.

I know there are things like civil unions or domestic partnerships now to help the gay community w/ some of these issues. However, in most states civil unions/domestic partnerships do not give the same rights as a marriage does. It’s a cop out. It’s like see, we’re giving you something that “kinda” is like what you are asking for, but not really. Here in CA there are like 9 differences, small… but still it’s different. It’s bullshit.

For all you women out there, do you think it would be right if we were allowed to own property, but only up to a certain amount? Or how about if men were allowed to emancipate from their parents at any age and we were only allow to do it after the age of 18? How about if women were allowed to vote on everything except the president of the United States? Or what about if African Americans were allowed health care as long as they weren’t married to a state employee? It’s just frickin’ STUPID!

So, I say let’s fight. Let’s continue to fight. Take a stand. I cannot believe how many people I know that voted FOR prop 8 here in CA. (For those that don’t know what Prop 8 was go here) Seriously? I’d like to know you’re reasoning. I really am being serious. Email me or talk to me about it. Cause I just don’t get it. Or even worse people who didn’t VOTE at all on the subject... In my opinion, being silent on the topic is just as bad as opposing it.

I really don’t understand what forcing gay couples to “register” as a domestic partnership buys you… because here in California we “honor” marriage? Give me a break. In 2008, 40% of US marriages ended in divorce. Why do we live in a country that doesn’t respect marriage, but yet won’t let gay people use the term, because it cheapens it somehow??… grr. It just pisses me off. There’s a reason why it’s against the law here in CA to discriminate against someone based on their religion, sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age. Why does it not extend to the “discrimination” in terms or rights w/ respect to marriage?

Here’s my stand. I stand against those who oppose gay rights. I stand for equality not just for gender or race, but for sexual orientation. I’m taking a stand for and with the gay community. Because some day I hope that my grand kids will look back and wonder what the fuss was all about and take if for granted, just like I take my women’s rights for granted. I’d like for our daughter’s daughters to adore us and sing in grateful chorus “Well Done. Well Done.” Just like in Mary Poppins… Who’s with me??

Sister Suffragette – Marry Poppins

We're clearly soldiers in petticoats
And dauntless crusaders for woman's votes
Though we adore men individually
We agree that as a group they're rather stupid!

Cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sign in grateful chorus
"Well done, Sister Suffragette!"

From Kensington to Billingsgate
One hears the restless cries!
From ev'ry corner of the land:
"Womankind, arise!"
Political equality and equal rights with men!
Take heart! For Missus Pankhurst has been clapped in irons again!

No more the meek and mild subservients we!
We're fighting for our rights, militantly!
Never you fear!

So, cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sign in grateful chorus
"Well done! Well done!
Well done Sister Suffragette!"

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