Friday, June 3, 2011


Safety DANCE!

We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
I say, we can go where we want to
A place where they will never find
And we can act like we come from out of this world
Leave the real one far behind
And we can dance

Act 19:

“It’s never too late… To Dance

It’s a celebration of life. Of freedom. Of joy. Express your feelings. Dance for your partner. Dance for yourself. Release yourself. Savour the moment.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Fine dancing, I believe, like virtue, must be its own reward.” ~ Jane Austin, Emma

I love to dance, even if I look like a complete dork when I do. I think most people would say that I’m a decent dancer and I have been known to find a beat or two. Actually, I am a really good "seat" dancer! I'm really good at busting a move to the songs while I'm driving or sitting at my desk or the couch! Haha.

I asked around and was thinking about what I was going to do for this act. Someone told me to post a video of me dancing. My response: "Umm. Hells No!" However, I changed my mind. You get me dancing. I think you have to turn up the volume to really hear the music. Enjoy!

Haha… not what you expected, huh? So, I was right! Right?? I do look like a complete dork when I dance… but I thought it was a decent try and I did find the beat once or twice! =)

Another suggestion was to go to a dance class. I dunno. I’m not sure I wanna subject others to my dorky dance moves. Also, I feel weird going w/out a partner. So, if there’s anyone that wants to go w/ me, I’ll go. I wanna learn Salsa…. Any takers?

However, The ORACLE introduced me to I can learn how to dance in the privacy of my own home. I can learn at my own pace AND I can keep watching the videos over and over until I get it right! (I’m a perfectionist, so sue me). What shall I choose? Salsa? No, I still think I need a partner for that. How about belly dancing? Uhh, took a Belly Dancing class one summer during B-school. Shout out to the two members of the Monkey Mafia (Clyn and Fisch) that took it w/ me. Anyway, that didn’t go to well. My hips just don’t really move like that!! Awkward!

I decided on Line dancing! I already know how to do the Electric Slide, so I’m doing the other one. Lover Lover! I have never heard of this! Have you? Although, after watching the video, I’ve seen it before and always wanted to learn... so there you have it! I’m learning to do the Lover Lover Line Dance. I'll give myself the weekend to learn it. Whoo! Ok, when’s the next wedding, so I can bust out my sweet new moves??

Secondary goal: I've always wanted to be able to do one of the dances in GLEE. I haven't decided if it's gonna be Slave For You or Safety Dance. Or maybe I should start w/ something easier?? I'm open to suggestions. By the end of the year, I WILL be able to do a dance from that show!

So, what’s dancing w/out music and songs?? Guess what time it is?? Trivia Time!!!

10 Points: Name the original artist of the song at the beginning of the blog (Saw the GLEE Cast do this in concert… awesome!)

10 Points: Name the original artist of the song I’m dancing to in my video

5 Points: Name the dance made popular by Chubby Checker

5 Points: Name the dance that swept the world in the mid 90s sung by Los Del Rio (Now I have this song in my head….argh)

10 Points: Name the man known as “Lord Of The Dance”

10 Points: Name the artist responsible for one of the Best dance songs ever Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) – (I know your dancing right now cause you can hear the beginning of that song! – Dance break!!)


10 Points: Name the artist that released a 1997 Live album called The Dance

10 Points: Name the musical where the song Dance: Ten. Looks: Three is from

10 Points: Name this song and artist

She says she's no good with words but I'm worse
Barely stuttered out
"A joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongue
Weighed down with words too over-dramatic
Tonight it's "it can't get much worse"
Vs. "no one should ever feel like.."

I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds
These words are all I have so I'll write them
So you need them just to get by

20 Points: Name the artist – Another “album” song that wasn’t released – Hint: Song title is Dance Inside

You don’t have to move
You don't have to speak
Lips for biting
You're staring me down
A glance makes me weak
Eyes for striking
Now I’m twisting up when I'm twisted with you
Brush so lightly
And time trickles down and I'm breathing for two
Squeeze so tightly
I'll be fine
You'll be fine
This moment seems so long
Don't waste now
Precious time
We'll dance inside the song

What makes the one to shake you down?
Each touch belongs to each new sound
Say now you want to shake me too
Move down to me, slip into you

Hundy Points up for grabs… Who’s the big winner?

Btw, I was asked to post the answers to the previous trivia, so I’m gonna go back and post the answers to the previous ones in the comments section of each entry. From now on, I will wait at least 1 week to post the answers to give everyone a chance to think and/or consult The ORACLE for the answers (even if that is cheating)… Thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea?


Lilfaust said...


1. Men At Work
2. Pat Benatar
3. The Twist
4. Macarena
5. Michael Flatley
6. C + C Music Factory
7. Fleetwood Mac
8. A Chorus Line
9. Fall Out Boy, Dance Dance
10. The All American Rejects

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree with you more!!

Anonymous said...

All round great blog post..