Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Up To The Highest Height

Let's go fly a kite
And send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite!

Act 37:

“It’s never too late… To Fly A Kite

Embrace the freedom. Find the child in you. Ride the wind. Abandon yourself to its rhythms. Feel the wonderful lightness. And the underlying power.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Remember a kite flies against the wind.” ~ Anonymous

This made me think of Mary Poppins and that song “Let’s Go Fly A Kite”. I’ve flown a kite before, but I wasn’t really into it. I mean it’s cool and all, but it’s not really my thing. I do remember going out to the beach and flying a kites w/ my bro and my dad. I also remember flying some from our backyard, but that sometimes the kite ended up in the neighbor’s yard or on the roof. I can’t remember the last time I flew a kite. It was probably 20 years ago. When I was talking to my coworkers today, apparently flying a kite when I was a kid should not count for fulfilling this act. So, I guess I need to go buy a kite and fly it. Maybe I’ll find the joy in it now that I’m older? Somehow I’m a little skeptical, but I’ll at least go try it out. Maybe my cousins will want to go do this w/ me this weekend. But I promise to go out and try.

Since this blog is a little short. I wanted to give an update. For my “Plant A Forest” campaign y’all donated $2427. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. I never thought I would hit $2000, so I guess I have to put my money where my mouth is and donate that extra $1000. W/ my $1000 extra dollars. That’s $3427, 3427 trees. What an amazing job we did.

It’s been 37 days of blogging. Let’s see how I’ve done w/ my 10 planned goals from Day #1. I’ve been blogging every day, so I’m on track for #1. I’ve stopped playing Farmville, #2 DONE! This blog has taken up the time I was wasting on Farmville. #3 DONE – I’ve pre-ordered Waking Madison (actually Kat let me see it early, it was really awesome. Go order it and/or watch it in your hotel room. See the pic below.... how cool is that? I don't think it ever made it to theaters, so the "Still in Theaters" thing is kinda false, but still... If I could figure out how to buy this w/out having it show up on my bill I have to turn in for my expense report... I would buy it in a second!!!

Still working on #4-8. #9 I finished the key architecture at work…(that was not easy, but it’s done). #10. So I didn’t really find a special way to spend my bday w/ my mom and bro, but I did spend it having a GLEE-A-THON, which is special to me, so I guess I get a half “check” on that one.

Lastly, I haven’t been able to link my blog back to FB Notes, because I think I post too often for it. Does anyone know how to get it to link? I haven’t been able to tag the people I’d like to, cause I can’t connect my blog to my FB notes. It won’t let me… =( Send me a note if you know how to help.

I got 3.5 hours of sleep last night and had a headache all day. Gonna try to get at least twice that tonight. Have a wonderful day! Go out and fly a kite. Then tell me great stories about it, so I can get excited about having to go do this…

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I now have that song stuck in my head. But that's ok because Mary Poppins is awesome!