Thursday, July 21, 2011

Age Is Just A Number

Act 67:

“It’s never too late… To Grow Old Disgracefully

You are as old as your mind, not the calendar. Make each day a new day. Refuse to relive old days. Make bold plans. Set new personal bests. Journey into the unknown with abandon.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” ~ Anonymous

This one is really hard to relate to. I’m still fairly young. I’m in the second “quarter” of my life so to speak. I really haven’t hit that mid-life crisis point yet. However, I’ve always wondered if I’d ever go through that. I’m pretty self aware and yes I freak out a lot about stuff, but I’m not sure I’d ever go that crazy. I have too much self control and self restraint to just got out and try to regain my young by buying a hot rod. Plus, did I mention I’m not into cars? I can barely tell the difference between a ferrarri, lambourgini, and a corvette. For all you car, people out there… pick your jaw up off the ground. I already said, I’m not into cars… so just leave me alone.

I think we are as young or as old as we think we are. If you act and think you are young at heart, then you are. It’s a great attitude to have and will probably contribute to prolonging your life. If you act like an old fogey, then you’ll turn out to be one.

I know that I’ve always been mature for my age. I’ve always been conservative and always been risk averse. I’ve been that old fogey. Haha. I kinda still am. I do got out and have fun. In fact my next two weekends are filled with activities. However, at the end of the day I’m a homebody. I like to stay at home. It’s sad I know, but I like just sitting at home and watching tv. I love watching soaps. Ya ya I know, sometimes I feel like I’m like a housewife who’s kids have already grown up and left the house. All I’ve ever wanted was to be able to stay at home w/ the kids and watch soaps all day long. Haha. It’s actually pretty sad that there will only be 4 soaps left by the time 2012 rolls around. So sad. =..( Apparently, the “younger” generation would prefer to watch game shows or self help shows. The other thing that saddens me is the fact that SOAPNet will be replaced by some Disney channel. I’d rather retreat from reality for 40 min and get lost in ridiculous stories of baby swapping, wife swapping, medicine that makes you a serial mugger, getting kidnapped and ending up on an island, people who come back from the dead more often than they change their underwear, and days and disaster events that last for 2-3 weeks at a time always ensuring some sort of drama or “big secret” is revealed that will change their lives forever (dun dun dun…)

Although I must say that I’ve been acting a little more my age these days, but at the same time I’ve been hanging out w/ a bunch of younger people and I just feel old. I’m not in the same place that they are in life. I don’t want to go out and get drunk to the point I can’t remember. I don’t want to have random hook ups with someone I picked up or picked me up at a bar (not that I was ever really like that). I'm just not in that "party mode" anymore.

I’m ready. I’m ready to settle down and start a family. I’m ready to accept love in my life and just live and be happy. I’m ready to grow old with someone. I’m ready to fulfill what I’ve always felt was my destiny and that’s to become a mom. I think I’d be a great mom… thoughts on that?? What do you think? Am I crazy? Ok, maybe I’m not totally ready, but I’m at least ready to start down that journey. So, love of my life… I’m here waiting… come find me. I’ve waited for you my whole life. Sweep me off my feet and let’s grow old together. =)

Let’s grow old disgracefully. Let’s enjoy life. Let’s travel the world. Let’s have those 2.5 kids and that white picket fence. I’ve been searching for you my whole life. I heard once before that the minute you stop searching for love it finds you. So, I’ve practically given up my search, because of what’s been happening in my life. As I said before…. I’m here waiting… come find me. I promise you won’t be disappointed. I had a friend in college that made a declaration that she was ready for love and she proclaimed it to be, so it would happen. So.. I’m proclaiming it to be here on my blog. So it better happen… haha