Friday, July 22, 2011

Apparently Planting A Forest Isn’t Enough

Act 68:

“It’s never too late… To Grow Something

Plant something and watch it grow. A tree. A flower. An idea. Hope. Love. An investment. Nurture it. Watch it develop. Enjoy it with pride.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “There is no ancient gentleman but gardeners…they hold up Adam’s profession” ~ William Shakespeare

For those who are new to my blog or who haven’t been coming in and out, a little over a month ago I started a campaign to Plant a forest! The act for that day was to “Plant a tree”, so I set out to plant 3000 trees. You all helped me with that goal. We hit $3507. That's 17% over my goal. THANK YOU so much. I’ve been a lazy ass and haven’t updated and/or sent the extra money in because June is a hard month money wise for me. I have to pay my car insurance and my registration. Not to mention I’ve been donating some money to F2F and spent a bunch of money that I probably shouldn’t have, but alas…it’s all for a good cause. Money’s not “tight”, but the idea of dishing out $1000 last month on top of everything else was at little too much for me. However, I fulfilled my obligation yesterday and paid the $1000 I owed, because of all of your generous donations. Thanks again ur so awesome.

So, what am I gonna do for this act? Well, unfortunately, I’m not starting another campaign. I’m pretty sure “I tapped out my large donors” haha. That line is directly from Celebrity Apprentice. If you’ve watched that show you will understand that reference. I think for this act I’m not going to physically plant something, because I think that we’ve established that I didn’t inherit the green thumb from my parents and I also don’t really have anywhere to “plant” anything.

I’m gonna take the other definition and grow an intangible item like growing an idea or growing an investment. For those that I haven’t told, I made a game. It’s kinda like a board game, but you play it on the road. I made it for a friend of mine, Kat Brooks, who’s on this amazing road trip called Face2Face. I made her a Face2Face Road Game. It think it’s bad ass and super cool. Here are some pics. I can’t wait to play it one day when I take a road trip. I think I’m gonna expand upon the game “grow” that idea and make a version 2.0. haha. I’ve had some people tell me that I should copyright that shit, but I really don’t know how to do something like that, so if you know… hook a girl up.

The other suggestion that Mr. Lindsay gives is to “grow” an investment. I don’t participate in the stock market. (well not really.. technically I do because my 401k invests the money for me. But, I think maybe I’m gonna try it out. I’m still thinking about it, so please forgive me if I back out in the end. I’d love to hear you thoughts on the subject. Do you play around in that arena? What types of things should I invest in?? All that kinda stuff. Any help you can provide would be great. I know my aunt plays around… so I’m definitely gonna ask her some questions about it. Although, I’m not really sure about doing it. What you don’t know is that I made an investment about two months ago (that I’m not really ready to talk about on my blog yet or in real life either), but just know that an investment has been made and I plan to do everything I can to make sure that investment is successful. When you finally know what it is, I’m gonna make sure I ask for all of your help to help make it successful too.

So, I guess my advice for this act is… get out there. Get out of your comfort zone and make the effort to “grow” something. Whether it’s something physical like a plant or a tree or whether it’s an idea or some kind of financial investment or whether its the love you feel for another person. Do what works for you… but just try something different. What’s the worst that can happen? You lose a little money? Only invest how much you can afford to lose. The best thing that can happen is that you improve the world by planting something or you can come up w/ the next best thing since sliced bread, or you could make a ton of money. Here’s one thing… no matter what the outcome is, you’ll always have a story tell about it… Good luck w/ your endeavors. You know I’ll be cheering you one every step of the way! =)

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