Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Expand Your World

Act 59:

“It’s never too late… To Open Your Mind

We all have perceptions. From our upbringing. Our experiences. Our surroundings. The media. Break your mould. Push your horizons. Broaden your thinking. Open your mind” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The mind is the guide and ruler of men’s lives” ~ Sallust

Everyone is a little closed minded. If you think you are completely open-minded, you’re probably wrong. There’s always something… Be honest. There’s something that you are prejudice or have preconceived notions about… It’s ok it’s natural. We can’t help our initial reaction. The important thing is to not let that first reaction or prejudice or preconceived notion affect how we proceed in life. Don’t let that stop you from continuing on or proceeding.

Be open minded. Try not to judge. I remember sitting in on a Vokle session w/ Kat Brooks and The KAT PACK talking about this very thing. I’d like to think I’m pretty open minded, but Kat’s is like 100 more times more open minded than I am. I blogged about it that night. After that night, I realized I’m more open minded than I thought, but that I have a long way to go.

I’m gonna get on my soap box for a minute... do you know what’s coming? What have I been bitching about on this blog? I feel like the world needs to expand their mind about the LGBT community and gay marriage. I know I’ve talked about it a bunch here… so I just wanted to give the topic a shout out, cause I don’t think that I should have a blog about Opening your mind w/out at least mentioning it.

Here are other things that I think people need to be open minded about:

· Apparently – here in 2011 there’s still prejudice about race… I mean really? Come on!!

· Equality between men and women at work – again we’re in 2011. Seriously!!!

· Ageism – with respect to work (again). Whether it’s you’re too young to know anything or you’re too old to do work

· Ethnicity

· Nerds, geeks, dorks

· Nerd Love

· Soap operas

· Country Music

Expand your world. Go do things you wouldn’t do. Open your mind to all possibilities. Don’t be a judger. Don’t just a book by it’s cover. Appearances can be deceiving. What topics are you passionate about that people need to be open minded about??


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You had me going up until country music