Monday, July 25, 2011

I Can Put It Together Without The…

Act 71:

“It’s never too late… To Read The Directions

It may be the last resort. It may spoil the challenge. It may insult your intelligence. But, then again… it may solve the problem.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Though a man be wise, It is no shame for him to live and learn.” ~ Sophocles

What is it about men and/or engineers and reading the directions? It’s like asking for directions when lost. Maybe it’s a pride thing. Maybe it’s like Mr. Lindsay says and it’s a challenge or some insult to ones intelligence.

For me personally, I will sometimes read the directions, but other times I won’t. It just depends on the item. If it’s putting together a piece of furniture from IKEA or something like that, then I’ll read the directions. Well, I usually glance at them first and kinda read them as I go along. I’m not really handy around the house, so I don’t want to screw it up. I have an awesome tool set that my dad got me, but I never really use it. I’m gonna need to end up w/ someone who’s handy. Although, I need someone who will do things right.

My dad used to fix stuff around the house (not using or reading the directions) As a result, everything had this like “whatever” feel about it. He didn’t’ care if the picture frame was crooked or if it had a nail sticking out of the side, because the nail wasn’t put in correctly. All that mattered to him was that the picture frame was up. Perfection or mistakes that would bother other people… didn’t bother him. As for me, it drove me crazy (I think my mom too.) I’m a perfectionist, so it everything has to be just right. However, I suppose I’m gonna have to let go of that if I’m relying on someone else to do the job for me. Hmmm…I’m not sure how comfortable I am w/ that. HAHA

If it’s a recipe, I’ll read the directions. I love to cook, but I want to get it right, so I look at the recipe to get all the portions right. After I’ve cooked it once or twice, I don’t really need the recipe anymore. However, I do like to experiment and make up recipes for myself. So, if I’m just cooking for myself, I usually don’t even us a recipe.

If it’s like a new game or new software, then I won’t read the directions. I usually try to figure out the game on my own first and then if I can’t pass it or figure it out… I then go read the instructions. Same with a new piece of software… like when I got PaintShopPro. I haven’t even looked at the manual or looked at the “hints” at start up and just kinda figured things out on my own.

Maybe the difference in my approach to reading the directions or not reading them has something to do w/ the fact that furniture or cooking has something to do w/ other people. Games and new software are individual. So I guess that really goes along well with my personality. If it’s for other people, I want to get it right… so I read the directions. If it’s just for me and no one else is gonna be affected than I guess I don’t read the directions and try to figure it out on my own.

I know some people that read every single word of the directions before diving into the project and I know some people that don’t read a single word. I think there probably should be some kind of balance (as there is for most things in life). How about you? Do you read the directions? Or just take your chances and hope that there aren’t 4 extra screws left over… hehe


Whitney said...

I always read the directions for everything - recipes, putting things together, video games, cell phones, etc. It drives me crazy that most electronics don't come with manuals anymore, just quick start-up tips then you have to go online if you have questions. I actually paid money to get an instruction manual for my phone because I couldn't figure out how to do a few things, and I didn't want to have to go look things up on the internet everytime I had a question. I even read the instructions on my video games before I play them, even though they seem to all have all the directions built in as you get started since apparently nobody else ever reads them.

Jamie said...

I need to clone Richard for you. He fixes everything and he's a perfectionist. He doesn't like working with others because they never do things right. Even if it's something that the general public will never see, like a bunch of wires behind an elevator panel, he wants it to be neat and pretty and work like it's supposed to.