Monday, July 11, 2011

Just To Clarify

Act 57:

“It’s never too late… To Be Fair

We can kick ourselves. We can justify our actions. We can deny responsibility. But in the quietness of our heart. We know the truth. Your inner voice will tell you. Be fair. It’s all about karma. If you’re fair to others...things will balance out in the end.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Only the actions of the just Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust.” ~ James Shirley

“To be fair…” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started a sentence w/ those three words. I use this phrase often. I’ve always been known to point out the technicalities of an argument and have been know for trying to always be factually correct. I want the disclaimers to be out there in the open. I want the playing field to be fair and by using the words “To be fair”... you do just that. You allow everyone to have the same amount of information. You allow everyone to understand that the previous generalization was incomplete. You end up preempting any complaints that the information is incomplete by just clarifying.

Somehow I think that Mr Lindsay wasn't talking about those three little words in that context. I think the he was talking about being fair to yourself and to others. I actually go through life evaluating what’s fair and what’s not. It has always been very important to me. I think that this stems from the fact that my grandma always made everything fair for my cousins, my brother, and me. We were equals. Anything and everything was fair… all the grandkids got equal shares of everything. If I got an ice cream, my brother did as well (even if he was bad and didn’t deserve it). Even if he had a time out and was getting punished, he would still be able to partake in the treat that I had earned, because it was only fair, right? Well not necessarily….

Being fair and considerate was instilled in me from a very young age. So, I’ve always wanted everything to be fair. I always got upset when things weren’t fair. Like when my dad implemented a double standard for dating. He had one set of rules for my brother (go be a man… date away) and one set of rules for me (no dating until you’re 30). He eventually logicked his out of it by saying… “well the consequences for a man are completely different then the consequences are for a woman”…. He would say “Life isn’t fair”.

Why is it that some people have terrible things happen to them and others come out unscathed? Why is it that someone who doesn’t have any vices gets cancer and dies and someone who smokes and drinks lives till their 100? It’s not out place to understand why things aren’t fair… just accept the fact that they are.

My father was right. Life isn’t fair all the time, so sometimes we can’t always be fair. But for the most part…since, life isn’t fair… shouldn’t we try to balance everything and make it fair on things we can control? Like treat each other the same. Treat everyone as equals. Try to be as fair as you can w/ each other. Mr. Lindsay is right… it’s all about karma. If you promote good energy… you will receive good energy. We may not be able to see it, but the universe balances things out. Do your part by attempting to be as fair as you can.

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