Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1: European Vacation 2011

Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 12:06 PM

Hello hello and welcome to my European Vacation 2011.

Just wanna make sure I have all the emails correct and no bouncing occurs! For those unfamiliar w/ my blogging adventure over the last few months, I usually blog about some topic and have trivia questions at the end.

For the email updates of the trip, I'm gonna tell y'all what I did that day and probably have trivia mixed in or at the end. Unlike my blog, the points will mean something (Cuz Ryan that was for you!) As the difficulty of the questions goes up, so does the number of points allocated to that question. The person(s) with the most amount of points will get something from my trip! Last year, my friend and boss Ken did something similar by using GPS coordinates, but I'm not gonna do that just clues. No pics, cause it'll cost too much to upload and eat into my data plan.

Here are the rules.
- If you answer the question correctly, you get all the points. I can and will give partial credit on multiple part questions
- As long as you email me back the correct answer before I send out the next email you get credit
- No extra points will be allocated for speed in answering the questions
- You will not be penalized for multiple guesses
- You may consult The ORACLE (internet for those that don't read my blog) although I think it'll be more exciting for you if you don't.
- I'll post the answers to the trivia questions in the next email I send
- I'm BCCing everyone so people can't influence or ruin it for someone who doesn't check their email as often
- I will keep a running total of everyone's points
- I am the ultimate judge and any arguments w/ the judge will result in points being taken away! Haha (from last year's game... U know who you are!)

By these rules everyone should be able to "win", but just like my blog I may throw a couple of hard ones ur way. Feel free not to play along and just enjoy the updates. :)

I'm starting easy today and those w/ Facebook will probably get these right away.

Day 1: I left from LAX at 1230 PDT.

I got on plane #1 headed for Elvis' Home state and home city to the NBA Grizzlies.

10 Points: Name the City, State and Airport designator of where Plane #1 landed.

I met up w/ my mom in the airport. She looked great. We took plane #2 to the capital city of this country, which is arguably the Marijuana capital of the world where we met up w/ my brother, who has a newly shaved head.

10 points: Name the city, country and airport designator of where plane #2 landed.

We took plane #3 to our final destination. This country is known for the running of the bulls and the city we landed in is the second largest in the country behind Madrid.

10 Points: Name the city, country and airport designator of where plane #3 landed.

After landing at 3pm local time (6am pdt) we took a taxi to our hotel. We are staying at a hotel whose name matches Paris and Nikki's last name.

10 Points: Name the hotel we are staying at. The second part of the hotel name is the city where we landed.

10 points: Name the cities and airport designators where my mom and brother both started their trip from. Hint: Neil left from the biggest airport in the windy city. My mom left from a city named after a former military installation in the state that gave us Walmart.

That was Day 1. Thanx for coming along w/ me... We all just had tapas and sangrias and are tuckered out. Going to bed early. We're gonna sight see tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Lilfaust said...

Answers for Day 1.
1. Memphis, Tennessee, MEM
2. Amsterdam, Netherlands, AMS
3. Barcelona, Spain, BCN
4. Hilton Barcelona
5. Mom = Fort Smith, FSM, Brother = Chicago, ORD