Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 5: European Vacation 2011

Sent: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 8:30 AM


Day 4 we spent at sea. My mom and bro got massages. My mom and I went to the Art auction and decided to collect more art.

Day 5:
Greetings from the country shaped like a boot.

5 Points: Name the country we are in. (Note: My bro said that if you can't get this one you should stop playing the trivia game! Haha)

Today we were in the city Firenze, but the english name means flower for the symbol of the city, which is a lily. From 1865-1871, this city was the capital of the country.

10 Points: Name the City.

This city is known for leather and gold. My mom picked up some nice jewelry. We visited the "sexy" square as our guide called it, which had statues of gladiators, King Neptune and an exact replica of the statue of David. This square showed amazing sculptures that exemplify the Renaissance which was founded in this city

10 Points: Name the four Renaissance artists that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are named after.

This city has beautiful churches like the Bapistry of St. John, Santa Croce, and Santa Maria. We also learned the difference between a duomo and a cathedral.

15 Points: What is the difference between a duomo and cathedral?
Note: I'm allocating more points for this because the answer is not just it's the italian name. There is a difference and both guides stated the difference

As an extra bit of info... The author of Pinocchio is from this city and we ate lunch at the Palace of Napoleon's sister, Palazzo Borghese.

Finally we visited the city that houses the famous angled bell tower which was built on soft foundation and had three different architects.

10 Points: Name this famous landmark and city.

1 comment:

Lilfaust said...

Answers to Day 5
1. Italy
2. Florence
3. Michelangelo, Leonardo daVinci, Raphael, and Donatello
4. A cathdral is a church where there is a bishop or a cardinal. A duomo is a parish church with only a priest and does not necessarily have to have a bishop.
5. Landmark: Leaning Tower of Pisa, City: Pisa