Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Everyone Deserves It… Even You

Act 93:

“It’s never too late… To Forgive Yourself

Sometimes we’re our own harshest critics. Even more judgmental than our enemies. Failure to forgive anchors us, prevents us from moving forward. Acknowledge mistakes. Learn from them. Resolve not to repeat them. Then unshackle yourself.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “He that forgives gains the victory” ~ Arab proverb

Some people (like myself) can easily forgive others, but have an awfully hard time forgiving themselves. I think it’s because we like to imagine ourselves as close to perfect as possible (or at least I do). I’m a perfectionist and when I make mistakes that I know I shouldn’t I have a hard time forgiving myself, because I know better.

I know it’s hard, but the best thing that we can do for ourselves it to just let whatever it is go and forgive ourselves. It not only helps us, but it helps those around us. Nobody wants a mopey pants around that’s sulking because they can’t forgive themselves. We ALL make mistakes… that includes ourselves. Why is it easier to forgive someone else and so hard to forgive ourselves? Most of the time it’s because we are always harder on ourselves than we are on others… but if it’s ok for other people to deserve forgiveness than you do too.

I consulted The ORACLE and found a couple of things on the topic. www.forgive-yourself.com

Here’s the wikiHow article on “How To Forgive Yourself

  1. Understand the importance of forgiveness
  2. Take into account the challenges raised by not forgiving yourself
  3. Accept your emotions
  4. Reflect on why you're trying to hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else around you
  5. Let go of other people's expectations for you
  6. Stop punishing yourself
  7. Practice self-acceptance
  8. Think about what will improve in your life if you can release yourself and how to bring this into fruition
  9. See forgiveness as a journey, not a destination

I like this article about self-forgiveness. It says a lot of the things that I would

Don’t be so hard on yourself. I know this is a lesson I need to listen to. I have a hard time forgiving myself for being a bitch to my family or saying things that make others feel bad about themselves, because I know better and I wouldn’t want anyone to make me feel that way and “not” feel bad about it. So, I’m gonna try. Try to forgive myself for the things I’ve done and try not to dwell on the things that just did or are about to do. Try to forgive and just let it go…

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