Friday, August 5, 2011

Hear What It’s Telling You

Act 82:

“It’s never too late… To Listen To Your Body

It will talk to you. Give it a chance. Learn the signs. The feelings. The messages. Good and bad. Respect your body.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.” ~ Henry Thoreau

I’ve realized that I’m getting older. One of the biggest indicators is the fact that my body is just not as fast and/or young as it used to be. Every time I bump my knee or get bruised, it takes longer and longer for the bruise to go away. My body takes longer to recover from illness. I get sick more now. I think my asthma has returned. My body is basically telling me…. Dude. I’m old.

You’re not as young as you think you are and you can’t handle and/or do the things that you used to.

  • Like all nighters. OMG. I could pull these all the time during school and two days in a row. I can’t barely pull one now. And I come home from work and take naps. I will power nap for about 20 mins when I get home after a hard day at work. I know my body tells me I need more sleep. I usually catch up during the weekends, but I know that I can’t get by on 4 hours of sleep anymore (or at least not for too many days in a row.)
  • Like exercising. I know most of this is because I’m out of shape… but seriously? I’m sore all the time. I don’t have as much strength in my arms or my legs anymore and I’m just a big pudge-monster. My body aches all the time now when I’m sitting or standing in a certain position for a long time.
  • Like eating what I want when I want. My metabolism has significantly slowed and I gain weight by just thinking about food! I’m in the process of losing weight and my body is telling me to keep going, because I feel soo much better about myself now that I’ve lost about 20 lbs. My energy level is up. It’s amazing. My body also now tells me when I’ve eaten too much. I’m so used to eating smaller meals more often that when I eat a huge meal I get food coma, because I ate too much.

My body does talk to me in other ways than tell me I’m old. I can always tell when I’m getting hot because my nose starts to bead up. My nose is the first thing that starts to sweat on my body. Then the back of my neck and forehead. My body is also really good at telling me when I need to take my lenses out. My eyes start to get dry and I get a headache. I also yawn a lot in meetings, but not because I’m tired or sleepy. It’s because I’m paying so close attention that I forget to breathe… haha.

How about you? Do you listen to your body? Do you know the signs and understand the messages it’s trying to tell you? Mine is telling me that I’m tired because I didn’t sleep well last night and I didn’t really have my power nap this evening. Night night all…

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