Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here And Now...

I promise to love faithfully (Faithfully)
You're all I need
Here and now
I vow to be one with thee (You and me), hey
Your love is all (I need) I need

Act 90:

“It’s never too late… To Live In The Present

Most problems are fears of the future. Or worries from the past. If you live in the present they don’t exist. In the present you’re as alive as you can be. Your decisions are spontaneous. Your heart is open. Your spirit is free.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Life is short and time is swift.” ~ Proverb

This blog topic seems very similar to the “Have The Best Years Of Your Life” blog. I’ll focus more on the live in the present vs. the past angle for this one. The past haunts most of us. If it’s traumatic enough…it debilitates us to the point that we can’t move on and we carry that weight with us. I’m lucky enough to have never seen this kind of trauma, but I know people who have. You can’t just say “Just forget about it. Live in the here and now.” I know its not that simple. I think the only thing you can do is to be patient and be understanding. They’ve been through something that we can never understand and it’s not for us to judge. So if you have someone who’s been through a trauma in your life… just take a be as patient and understanding as you can.

So what’s in my past that I can’t forget? What haunts me? Past mistakes. It’s sounds corny and lame, but ya… That’s what keeps my mind in the past. The stupid things I do. The things I know that I could do better. Ever wish that you had a do over? Ever wish that you had a second chance to make a first impression? Those are the things that haunt me. Wishing I could’ve said the things I wanted to say in the moment and thinking of a better response later… gosh those things bother the shit out of me.

It’s hard to forget the past. It’s hard to forget the things that haunt us, but we have to at least try to get over them. Finding something in the here and now that gets your mind off of things. Find something to look forward to. For me that’s my upcoming trip to Europe w/ my mom and bro. This is the trip that we didn’t take last year because my dad got sick. I’m glad that it’s just the three of us going, but I know that we’ll miss my dad, because it’s the first trip that we will take as a family w/out him. I think this is our way of trying to move on.. not forgetting him, but trying to live today. Live in the now w/out him. It’s not like he wanted us to stop taking trips or to stop living just because he died. This will be a good thing for all three of us. Something we can get through together.

So as for living in the present, here’s my promise to all of you. I promise not to dwell on the past. I’ll try to let go of the things that haunt me. I’ll try to live in the moment and not be so risk adverse. I’m gonna try to just let myself forget about the past and even the things that hinder me about the future and just live for now. Live for today.

I promised that I would post this. Please if you have an animal look at this YouTube Video


10 Points: Name the Artist and Song at the beginning of the blog

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below (HINT: My favorite Band)

Thought it wouldn't matter
If we didn't stay together,
And if it was over,
Maybe it was for the better.
I was thinking I'd be alright,
'til I thought it all through.
Now I know that I ain't really living
If I have to live without you.

I don't wanna live without your love,
I don't wanna face the night alone.
I could never make it through my life
If I had to make it on my own.
I don't wanna love nobody else,
I don't wanna find somebody new.
I don't wanna live without your love,
I just wanna live my life with you.

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below (HINT: My favorite 80s icon)

You abandoned me
Love don't live here anymore
Just a vacancy
Love don't live here anymore

When you lived inside of me
There was nothing I could conceive
That you wouldn't do for me
Trouble seemed so far away
You changed that right away, baby

Love don't live here anymore
Just emptiness and memories
Of what we had before
You went away
Found another place to stay, another home

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below (HINT: My favorite American Idol)

Lately nothing I do ever seems to please you
And maybe turning my back would be that much easier
Cause hurtful words are all that we exchange
But I can't watch you walk away

Can I forget about the way it feels to touch you?
And all about the good times that we've been through
Could I wake up without you every day?
Would I let you walk away?

No, I can't learn to live without
And I can't give up on us now

Oh, I know I could say we're through
And tell myself I'm over you
But even if I made a vow
I promise not to miss you now
And try to hide the truth inside
I'd fail cause I, I just can't live a lie

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below (HINT: Current Grammy’s Best Country Vocal Group)

Well this heart of mine
Has been hardened like a stone
It might take some time
To get back what is gone
But I'm movin' on
And you don't haunt my dreams
Like you did before
When I would curse your name

Well I heard the news
That you were back in town
Just passin' through
To claim your lost and found
But I'm over you
And there ain't nothin' that
You could say or do
To take what you did back

Well you got nerve to waltz right in
And think what's mine is yours again
Well I've been doin' fine without you
Forgettin' all the love we once knew
And girl I ain't the one who slammed that door
But now you say you've changed your thinkin'
But I ain't got a heart for breakin'
So go and pick your bags up off my floor
Cuz love don't live here anymore

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Answer to e first two are Luther Vandross and Chicago. I don't watch American Idol soooo dunno the other one and I just plain can't think of the other. lol. I knew Chicago cuz I love them too...mostly cuz Ninong played them all the time when we were growing up.