Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In The Light Of A New Day

Act 79:

“It’s never too late… To Start Each Day Afresh

Every dawn brings unlimited possibilities, challenges, hope. Don’t be shackled by yesterday. Look ahead – with optimism. Create your future afresh.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “You cannot step twice into the same river.” ~ Heraclitus

Who knew afresh was a word? I mean I know it means something like “anew”, but really?? Afresh? What other random words are out there? Aold? Or Arotten? Aspoiled?? Ya that’s me.. I’m aspoiled… or a least I was aspoiled by my parents… especially my dad. haha

Every day brings new challenges and new beginnings. You can start each day with a new outlook and everything usually looks better the day after. You get a different perspective after you’ve had some sleep and it is a new day. This is probably why that saying “You better sleep on it” comes from. You’re mind has time to process it and in the light of a new day things might look differently.

I find that after a long stressful day at work. I always feel better in the morning. After I’ve rested, the start of a new day always makes the stress of the day before go away (well mostly). There’s just something about the start of a new day that makes everything better. What is it? Is it the fact that ur mind gets to rest? Or is it ingrained in us that the dawning of a new day breeds hope? The hope that today will be better. Today will be different. Today will ROCK!!! Is it that yesterday is over and done with? You can’t do anything about yesterday, but today is a new day and it hasn’t SUCKED yet, so maybe it won’t.

It’s such a wonderful feeling… the start of a new day. It makes even a pessimist like me optimistic. Although… lately…I’ve carried that wonderful feeling throughout the day and most days are filled with joy, hope, and happiness. I see my future and it’s a happy one. It’s kinda creepy how this change in me has occurred. If you talked to me a year ago, I was completely different. My whole life the last couple of months has felt like a new day. A second chance. I’ve decided not to waste it pouting or having a negative outlook on life.

Treat every day as a fresh start. If you are like I used to be, don’t waste your life being a negative nancy. Each new day brings hope and a clean slate. Everything is better at the start of a new day. Don’t waste that feeling and just live! Be happy! Don’t let the little things get in your way.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I have never heard of the word "afresh" either. But, I learned back in high school from Mr. Hanlon and in again in medical terminology that when you have an a- prefix it means "not" or without. So, shouldn't that then mean that afresh means not fresh? I know that this is a totally random comment, I was just thinking that aold should mean not old.