Sunday, August 14, 2011

Please Excuse Me While I Readjust

Act 91:

“It’s never too late… To Change Plans

John Lennon was right…Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. Plans are guidelines. Not regulations. If they don’t fit the circumstances. Change them. The greatest skill isn’t planning ahead. It’s being able to adopt to life’s unexpected obstacles. And still look ahead with a smile.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Times change and we with them” ~ Ovid

So we always have to make adjustments to our plans, because sometimes the goals and plans that we make for ourselves are too easy or too hard or just become OBE (overcome by events). For this blog, I’m gonna take the 10 things that I planned in the beginning of this blogging adventure and give you an update and then keep, modify or change the ones I haven’t completed. The old plan is italized

  1. Blog about every act in the book It’s Never Too Late… 172 Simple Acts To Change Your Life. If I start today and do 1 a day my last blog post will be Nov 3rd. Let’s see if I can do it.

So far I’ve blogged EVERY DAY for the last 91 days. That’s 3 months. I’m gonna give myself a little reprieve while I’m on my vacation. I’m not going to blog during that time AND I’m not going to prep them ahead of time, so you’ll get 16 days of no blogs from me during that time. So this means that the new end date is Nov 19th. I hope y’all understand!

  1. Stop Playing Farmville – I’ve been trying to do this for a long time now. I set a goal to hit level 100 w/ my bro this weekend and then I’m quitting. It takes way too much of my time (even if it is relaxing)

I stop playing Farmville back in June. So yay! This is DONE!

  1. Pre-order Waking Madison – Shout out to Kat

I did pre-order Waking Madison and I did watch it! I even lent it out to my boss so he could watch it on his vacation. I want to watch the director’s cut of the film. So, let’s add that to the list of things I’m planning!

  1. Support Rock Rose Entertainment by doing one and/or all of the following: Donate $$ (just like I did for Face2Face Movie), go to an ICCE or Hitching Post Theater Event. Shout out to Erin. I go to Colorado all the time… I should be able to do it.

Still haven’t done any of this, but I still want to… so it’s staying on the list. I still want to thank Erin for putting me on this blogging adventure! In other news, I have donated more $ to F2F and I donated $ to Kat’s favorite charity right now SARA Sanctuary.

  1. Organize a UCI Merage Alumni Reunion. Been missing all your faces… let’s get together.

I wanna do this in Sept after I get back from my vacation! I still haven’t forgotten this..

  1. Lose a total of 25 pounds this whole year – I’m about 15 lbs down from the beginning of the year

I’m hovering about 20 lbs total loss for the year… so that’s good right? I’m hoping to not gain any weight while I’m on my cruise!

  1. De-Clutter my apartment by scanning all the paper: so I can finally have an electronic archive

This is a lofty goal and I’m not sure this will ever get done unless I hire someone to do this. So, I’m changing this one to I just want my apartment clean enough to have company over for dinner parties and/or for someone to spend the night in my guest room. If that means that the clutter is neatly packed away in containers than so be it! So this one is a modify. I’m giving myself before the end of the blog adventure to do this.

  1. Finish the GLEE DVD project I started before my dad died: I was putting together all the GLEE music performances from season 1 in one DVD for him as a XMAS present, but I never finished

The GLEE marketing geniuses finally figured out that people want this, so they have released 30 of the songs from season 1. I still want to finish this, but I’m putting this on a low low priority. I may not get to this by the end of the blog or by the end of the year.

  1. Finish the key architecture by working w/ SE&I – It’s a work thing

God help be it’s not done yet because of a pain in the ass contractor. However, we’re getting there. This is still a valid goal/plan and we will get this done damn it!

  1. Find a special way to celebrate my bday this year – My bday just so happens to be the same day of my parents anniversary. It would’ve been their 35th wedding anniversary. I wanna make it special for me and my mom (and bro), because it’ll be the first w/out my dad.

As I said in a different blog, I didn’t really find a special way to spend my bday w/ my mom and bro, but I did spend it having a GLEE-A-THON, which is special to me, so I guess I get a half “check” on this one. I hope that this trip w/ the two of them is special. I think it’ll be hard, but it’ll be fun!

So, there’s the updated plan. If any of you made any plans, did any of them change? Have your priorities changed since May? So go ahead and do an evaluation of your life and see if anything in it needs to be revectored or changed. Life happens and we sometimes have to revector our plans, because different things become more or less of a priority than they were before.

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