Friday, August 19, 2011

There's Always Room For Improvement

For those who are not on twitter or facebook… The late breaking news is the fact that I cut my hair today. Here’s a before shot. You’ll have to read the blog (or scroll down) to see the end result. =)

Act 96:

“It’s never too late… To Be Better Than You Are

Set your aims high. Don’t settle for just OK. Like an athelete, aim for personal bests. Just don’t obsess about it. Use them as inspirational guideposts. That will keep you interested. And interesting. Life will be more vital. Opportunities will open for you.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Life’s splendor forever lies in wait about each one of us in all its fullness.” ~ Franz Kafka

To me this act is about complacency. Even if you are the best that you can be, there’s always something that you can do to improve yourself. Even if you are very very happy in this moment (like I am), I’m sure there are things that could make you happier.

I know that there are things in my life that I can improve upon. Here’s a list of things I know I need to work on to be better than I am or things I want to learn to

  • Be less lazy – I probably should’ve wished for this the other night
  • Be less of a slob – I think the non-laziness would help w/ this
  • Be less of a stress case – Lately work has been a pain to deal w/
  • Get in shape – I fear that all the walking on my upcoming trip will kill me because I’m so out of shape. Let’s hope that I’m still more in shape than my mom who has a bad heart… Honestly, I think we’re even! (so sad)
  • Finish learning how to play the piano and guitar – I tried learning a while ago, but I stopped on both instruments because I went back to school.

I know there’s a bunch more, but I’m so tired right now because worked drained me. I’m trying to finish a few things before leaving on my trip and things are going a lot slower than I had hoped. I got stuck on a piece of code that just stumped me for a good hour and a half. Oh found something else to add to the list – Be a better programmer!

Speaking of my trip – although I won’t be doing blog entries every day, I’m gonna try to send out updates on the trip and I’ll probably be doing some trivia at the end of each day (in fact I know I will) Last year my boss made a game out of it, but I don’t want to commit myself to managing a game (plus, some people got really competitive). Anyway, if you want to participate, let me know and make sure I have your email addy.

To close out my thoughts on this act… Don’t be complacent. Don’t settle. Strive to improve your life in one aspect every day, whether is’ a big thing or a little thing. Enjoy life. There are so many things life can offer. Take advantage of the things you haven’t already. Be better. But most important… Be happy.

I'm happy w/ my new hair. It goes kinda well w/ this act, because it's an improvement to my life in the sense of: less shampoo, my neck can breathe now, and it can air dry very very quickly =)

Here’s the pic of my new haircut as promised… Thoughts? I think it might be too short...

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I think your hair looks great. If you think it's too short, don't worry, it'll grow fast. I'm getting ready to the same thing, and I keep thinking if I just wait another few months, my hair will be long enough that I don't have to have super short hair when I chop it.