Monday, August 1, 2011

To Be A Better Person One Must Learn…

Act 78:

“It’s never too late… To Grow

Move forward. Every day. Take every chance to learn. From mistakes. From advice. By observation. Through experience. Push through your comfort zone. Explore new subjects. Meet new people.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Only so much do I know, as I have lived.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most people don’t like to make mistakes. However, when you learn from them (see my other blog) it helps you grow and be a better person. I know for me the last couple of months I’ve been growing as a person. I’ve said it many many times before. It’s all about this change in me. The positive attitude. The positive energy. The moving from a pessimist/realist to an optimist (not completely, but a lot more than I was before).

I am learning from my mistakes. I am trying to be a better person. Even though I’ve made a lot of progress, I know that there is still a long way to go. I need to be more patient. I need to be less selfish. I need to be less of a stress case at work. I need to control my temper. I need to be less of a worrywart. I need to be less judgmental. I need to be more open and accepting of others. I need to control my reactions better. These are all the things I need to work on to make myself a better person. I’m sure I missed a couple. Maybe you can hook me up w/ some suggestions!

I need to push my boundaries. Get out of my comfort zone. I’ve done that over the last couple of months and I’m so much happier. Anyone who has been around me the last couple of months has seen the growth (or at least I hope as seen the growth). I can feel it, but I know I can do more to expand my horizons. Try new things. Like go to a dance class or try out for a play/musical.

I’ve already started. I’ve been going Kat’s Vokle Chats. I’ve been having a bunch of skype calls w/ the F2F family and the KAT PACK. I’m meeting new people. People whom I’ve never met, but would consider my friends.

We all make mistakes. We aren’t perfect. This is why we need to learn from them and grow as people. Push yourself. Name one thing that you could change about yourself that would help you grow.

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