Friday, September 30, 2011

You’ll Always Stay Forever…

Act 122:

“It’s never too late… To Stay Young

It doesn’t mean fighting time. We must grow. We can even age. But we can stay young at heart and in mind. Look with young eyes. Love with a young heart. Recapture the wonderment. Appreciate your surroundings, your loved ones, your friendships. Look forward with hope and optimism.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Youth has no age.” ~ Pablo Picasso

We all age. It’s inevitable. We may not want to admit it nor do we want it to happen. It’s funny as kids all we want is to be older… to be able to do what grown-ups do. As we become adults and gain more responsibility, all we want to do is stay young.

We are surrounded by products about “staying young” Think about how many cosmetic products, stories, liquid potions, vitamins, surgeries/procedures there are out there about trying to stay young or about regaining lost youth.

I don’t like those de-aging creams or getting plastic surgery, but I’m lucky I look younger than I am. I remember when I was 29… I got carded at an R rated movie. I mean seriously?? I know I was wearing my high school basketball sweatshirt and I was wearing my hair back and jeans… but sometimes I don’t get carded at the bar… an R rated movie is 17… a bar is 21.

I myself am not afraid of getting older. The only thing I’m afraid of is getting older and being alone. I do think it is important to stay young at heart… but I got no problems with getting older. For me it’s not hard to stay young. I play video games. I still watch cartoons on sat mornings every once in a while. Hell…. a few years ago I went to go see the Yugi-Oh movie.. that’s right.. I saw it. What cha gotta say?? Haha. I do a lot of puzzles and play board games. I was told that laughter helps you stay young at heart. I do laugh a lot these days. In the past 6 months, I’ve been told by about 6-7 different people that I have an infectious laugh. I’m still very inquisitive. I’m always trying to seek out new experiences and learn new things.

The last thing I believe is that helps you keep is keeping your mindset that way. If you think you’re old and feel like you’re old… then you become an old fogey. If you let yourself be light hearted and allow the fun to come in, then you stay young at heart. Relaxing and having fun. Enjoying the moments… these are helpful to staying young. I have a little bit of a hard time relaxing, except lately… I’ve been a lot better at this.

What are the ways you think are the keys to staying young? What do you do that helps you stay young?

Mini Trivia

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song referenced in the title

10 Points: Name the male lead in the Movie of the same title also starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Elijah Wood

10 Points: Name the Michael Jackson song that contains the letters “PYT”

10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “Young Hearts Run Free”

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

With all the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe
You're old enough
To give me Love
And now it hurts to know the truth, Oh,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Worth Fighting For

Act 121:

“It’s never too late… To Fight For Love

If you know deep in your heart, that it’s worth fighting for, then fight. Sometimes you’re the only one who knows what’s right. And even if you fail, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing your did your best. You can’t do more.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Love is everything it’s cracked up to be.” ~ Erica Jong

Love is so intoxicating that when we find it we don’t want to let go of that feeling. It is so rare that we connect with people and find real love. Only you know whats right for you, so sometimes you’re the only one fighting for love when other people have told you to give it up or the person is bad for you. However, most of the time we don’t listen, when it’s not real love, because we are too infatuated with the idea of love to realize that this person is bad for us. There’s a fine line between holding on to love because you just know it’ll work out or holding on, because you’re in love with the idea and not the person. So be sure you know which category you fall into…

When you are in that position where you need to fight for love, what do you do? Do you listen when it’s not practical? Does love conquer all? Can love really get you through anything? Or do you sometimes have to listen to your head and break your own heart sometimes or break the other person’s heart to do what’s right for you or both of you? How do you know it’s worth fighting for?

Unless you’ve found love already, you are like the rest of us. We are always searching… To find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. To find someone that needs you just as much as you need them. Who understands you. Who loves you no matter what…. When you find this person... That's when you know when to fight. Fight!! Fight HARD to be with them. Don’t let anyone stop you. That kind of love is rare. It's the kind of love that movies and dreams are made of. If it's meant to be. It'll work out and fighting will may help it stay together. If it doesn’t work out for you, then at least you tried and the old adage is true. “it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”


10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “Kung Fu Fighting”

10 Points: Name the stage name for John Ondrasik which he named for an expression in ice hockey when a player receives a five-minute penalty for fighting

10 Points: Name the American band formed by Dave Grohl and sang “Learn To Fly”

10 Points: Name the “Genie In A Bottle” Artist who sang “Love Will Find A Way

10 Points: Name the Musical and the Song of the lyrics below

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Moments so dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets
In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches - In Miles
In Laughter - In Strife

In - Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure
A Year In The Life?

How About Love?
How About Love?
How About Love?
Measure In Love

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow.
What started out as friendship,
Has grown stronger.
I only wish I had the strength to let it show.

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever.
I said there is no reason for my fear.
Cause I feel so secure when we're together.
You give my life direction,
You make everything so clear.

And even as I wander,
I'm keeping you in sight.
You're a candle in the window,
On a cold, dark winter's night.
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might.

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

Thought it wouldn't matter
If we didn't stay together,
And if it was over,
Maybe it was for the better.
I was thinking I'd be alright,
'til I thought it all through.
Now I know that I ain't really living
If I have to live without you.

I don't wanna live without your love,
I don't wanna face the night alone.
I could never make it through my life
If I had to make it on my own.
I don't wanna love nobody else,
I don't wanna find somebody new.
I don't wanna live without your love,
I just wanna live my life with you.

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
Love Is A Battlefield
We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long, both of us knowing
Love Is A Battlefield

10 Points: Name this Culture Club Song

Not everybody knows the way a river flows
Not everybody sees the sun up in the sky
Maybe you and I should not try to plan our lives
If only what we could see what we hold in our hands

Love hurts 'cause you can't let go
Love hurts 'cause you need it so
Love hurts yes it hurts, but it's good for fools
Feel some pain now, still you wanna try it again

Everybody cries until the day they die
And everybody feels like they're the only one
Maybe you and I should not try to plan our lives
If only we could see what's in front of our eyes, yeah

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where I find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream
And I know just where I touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Celebrate Good Times...

Come on!

Act 120:

“It’s never too late… To Enjoy Your Success

Too often once we achieve a goal, we take it for granted. It’s part of the journey. It’s important to give ourselves some credit. Otherwise we lose our sense of purpose. Enjoying the victories gives us strength to continue. And sweet memories to inspire us.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A (success) = X (work) + Y (play) + Z (keep your mouth shut)” ~ Albert Einstein

I usually don’t have a problem celebrating the big successes and the big achievements. Like graduating from high school, college, and B-school… like getting a promotion or a pay raise. As I told you in another blog, I got a raise this summer. I did not forget to celebrate. =)

Sometimes I forget to enjoy the little victories like awards. I’ll just blow them off as a normal part of the life, however, these little victories (at work, at least) are becoming fewer and far between. Right now I’ve been battling some really bad decisions at work and it’s been really frustrating. So all the little victories we win, I haven’t been thinking about them… maybe I should.

Like I probably should’ve celebrated winning the People’s Choice award I won a couple of months ago. I didn’t even tell anyone that I won (when I found out… although I do think I mentioned it in a previous blog). I got a plaque and everything. I didn’t really celebrate being voted “Best Leader” by my section. I don’ think I even told my parents until they saw the plaques in my house. I guess being publicly honored makes me uncomfortable and/or being given an award for just doing my job well seems weird to me. I feel like won both those awards for what I considered to be just doing my job, nothing extra special. However, I know that not everyone get recognized for “a job well done”, so I should enjoy the praise and next time have just a little celebration or at least tell someone.

Take the time to celebrate your achievements. The next time you do something great at work. GO have a beer after or a celebratory dinner or buy something nice for yourself. Just make sure you revel in that time and in your victory, no matter how big or small. Have you had any successes lately that you’d like to share? We can have a virtual beer or drink to celebrate. You pick the time and I’ll toast to your success! =)

BTW – I’ve been listening to “Success from the Musical Ragtime, which immediately came to mind when I first saw this Act. It also just happens to be the ringtone for my B-school classmates…. “We’ll join the parade of Americans all doing well…. Success!”