Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blossom At Your Own Pace

Act 103:

“It’s never too late… To Be A Late Developer

Set your own timetable. Don’t allow others to dictate your pace. Benchmarks are for average people. You’re an individual. You have your own individual rate of growth. Take the pressure off. Allow things to develop naturally. It’s not important when you get there. What matters is that you get there.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Slow but sure wins the race.” ~ Proverb

Some people are just late bloomers by nature. Some are just quick to act. In life, most of us lean one way or the other. But it’s important to allow yourself to experience both sides of the coin every once in a while. For most of us that are fact paced, taking the time to let thing develop at their own pace can be advantageous. For me (at work especially), I usually come up with solutions quickly, however, sometimes if I just slow down and think I can come up with an even better solution.

When looking at my life, I’m really quick to act when I have to (like at work), but am really really slow when it comes to my personal life. Making decisions about electronics… but the big one is my love life. I had a timetable in my head of where I wanted to be at this point in my life…Married w/ 2.5 kids and a dog with the white picket fence, etc. Obviously, that hasn’t been in the cards for me…well at least not yet. However, I feel the tides turning and happiness is just around the corner. So, for this act… I’m just gonna sit back and not worry so much about the fact that my biological clock is ticking. I’m just gonna enjoy my life right now and be happy. I know someday I will be married. I know some day I’ll have kids. Maybe not 2.5 or the white picket fence, but kids and a house for sure. I’m not gonna rush it or get myself in a situation where I settle, because I’m moving slower in this area that I would like. =)

Let things happen naturally and don’t force it. I think sometimes we just need to slow down. Or more importantly we need to change our expectations of the timeliness of our actions. Don’t let others influence you. Don’t let perception influence you. You know what’s right for you and how long it takes to get there. And if it’s something like love or a family… don’t beat yourself up or put yourself in a bad situation because you’re trying to speed up your timeline.


I was debating on putting this at the beginning of the blog, but decided to put it after today’s act. Let’s pause for a moment of silence for the men and women who lost their lives 10 years ago today.





























Do you remember what you were doing that day? I remember I had a phone interview for a job and when I got off the phone, I walked downstairs and my father was sitting on the couch and had asked me if I had turned on the TV yet today. I said “No” Then he said, “Come here and look” Then he proceeded to explain everything that happened. When I think about that day, Alan Jackson’s “Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)?” plays in my head. I told you where I was and what I was doing. What were you doing?


Whitney said...

My clock radio alarm went off, and when I heard the broadcast I actually thought they were playing scenes from a movie. Then, I could here my roommates talking downstairs sounding upset and concerned, so I turned on the news and saw the 2nd plane hit the tower. I still had to get ready for class because we hadn't been told it was cancelled, and I remember we just sat in class and talked about what was going on with the chair of the program.

Bryce said...

I also had a phone interview that morning and did not have the radio or TV on because I was waiting for the people to call me. The woman who called told me about it and postponed the interview. It was very hard to understand at the time what was going on. It is amazing all that has happened in the past 10 years.

Unknown said...

In about a month, you'll drop the 2.5 kids to 2.0. I guess you figured out that you really don't want a half kid.