Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 10: European Vacation 2011

Sent: Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:18 PM


The night of Day 8 we floated by a Volcano. It was dark out and we saw it erupt a couple of times and one of the eruptions had lava blow up and trickle down the side and it was so bright we could see if from out boat. So cool!!

Day 9 was a sea day. My mom and I once again went to the art auction and collected more art. I got some pretty cool stuff. I can't wait to show everyone. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics, so u'll just have to come by to see it or wait until I receive it to see. :(

Day 10
We are back in a port on one of the Balearic Islands. We are on the island that houses the capital city of this area. The other Balearic Islands are Ibiza, Formentera and Minorca. The island name is the sister island to Minorca but instead of coming from the latin word for "smaller one" like Minorca. The island we are on means "larger one"

10 Points: Name the city and island we are on.

Our tour guide said that the founder of most of the missions in California (actually she said the founder of California) is was born on the island we visited. (To my boy cousins and uncle playing you should know this considering u went to a school named after him)

10 Points: Name the founder of Cailfornia
It is also home to one of hollywood's famous couples. She starred in Chicago and the Legend of Zorro. He is the star of Wall Street and The Game.

10 Points: Name this famous couple
We visited the Cave of Drach (which means dragon). Where we saw tons of stalactites and stalagmites

10 Points: What is the difference between a stalactite and stalagmite... That's right go google this one. Or reach into the backs of ur mind for that science lesson! Hehe

We visited a factory that made jewlery. This factories focus was bead like jewels that come from Oysters. Of course... As always my mom bought something. A very nice black bead ring.

10 Points: Name the formal name of this type of jewelry.

Random Fact of the day: This area is known for Olives. Back in the states, they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Here it's eat 9 olives. Hehe.

1 comment:

Lilfaust said...

Answers for Day 10
1) Palma, Majorca
2) Junípero Serra
3) Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas
4) Stalactites grow down from the roof and Stalagmites grow up from the ground
5) Pearl