Friday, September 16, 2011

Get Your Nose Stuck In A Good....

Act 108:

“It’s never too late… To Read A Good Book

It’s one of life’s great simple pleasures. Take a journey. Relax. Learn. Go back in time. Or forward. Be inspired. Or challenged. Share.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A book should be either a bandit or a rebel or a man in the crowd.” ~ D.H. Lawerence

I love reading, but apparently not as much as I love TV. I know I said a couple of entries ago that I was going to try to read more. I really do want to do this, but I haven’t picked up my nook and turned it on since my vacation. Even when I was on vacation I chose to sleep instead of reading. Granted I really did need to catch up on sleep and I loved taking all of those naps. =)

As a kid, I read all the time. Or was read to all the time. Story time was my favorite time. To this day, when someone reads to me and it’s night time… I fall asleep. hehe I read all the classic stories and authors that a well read little girl should read. Beverly Cleary and the Ramona series, Jane Austen, The Bronte Sisters, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Nancy Drew, Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm, Harriet the Spy, Sweet Valley High, Judy Blume, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord Of The Rings, Frankenstein, anything Shakespeare or Dickens. Those are all the things I can remember right now. I know there’s a ton I’m forgetting. In high school, I think I read all the rest of the classics like Invisible Man, Catcher In the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, All Quiet On the Western Front, A Handmaid’s Tale (PEN IS ENVY). If you go into the room at my mom’s house it’s filled with old books, series, and book sets that I’ve read. It’s an amazing collection. Someday it’ll be in my house. My book shelf is over flowing here at my place.

In the more recent years, I’ve read the entire Harry Potter series and one year I gave the book/series to that point to my family and friends and got them to read it. I’m really into Chelsea Handler and have read all over her books except the new one. This reminds me that I need to dig up my old list of things to read. I need to make a wish list for my nook. Right now I’m reading Sarah Silverman’s book The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee.

I’ve always wanted to be part of a book club, but I can never seem to get anyone to want to do it. That or the books people are reading are really not my thing or my speed. My bro reads too fast for me, so I’d never be able to keep up with him. My mom reads too but she reads soap opera type novels (I’m sure she’s gonna kill me for saying that). I would look over her shoulder at her nook and see “That’s not how I wanted it to be” or “Dad that’s not how it’s done” “Sara Maye didn’t know what she was getting into” Or some dramatic sentence like that. I think I drover her nuts by reading the sentences aloud in a dramatic voice. Hehe. My aunt and uncle read too and are part of a book club, but I’m not interested in the books that club is reading. Also, my uncle reads separately, but he like historical fiction and read about the American Revolution or Ancient Egypt or something like that. I never wanted to do Oprah’s books cause I don’t really like jumping onto a bandwagon.

Maybe I should start my own book club. I wanna do books that have been made into movies (or books that should be made into movies.) Then after we’ve read the book, we can go watch the movie. Then discuss the differences, because there always are. I almost always like the book better, so maybe we can mix it up and watch the movie first and then read the book. Would that possibly influence me liking the story or change my opinion that the book is always better? Who knows?

Anyway… I’d like thoughts on this new book club I’m thinking about starting. Are you interested? If not, could you at least hook me up with what you like to ready or give me some good recommendations for new books to put on my list. What is the last good book? Or good series you read? What is your favorite book or series? Who are your favorite authors? I’m looking for things to read.


Patricia said...

I've always loved John Grisham books. :)

Whitney said...

Ive always wanted to join a book club, but when I did search in this area, there were none that were appropriate for me. I had a friend mention trying to do an online bookclub (have web chats or a chat board or something) to discuss the books so people all over can get involved. I always like the book better than the movies - have you read "The Help", yet? Awesome, entertaining, and what I would classify as a "smart" book.

Jamie said...

Aw, I wish I could join your books-that-are-turned-into -movies club. That sounds like a lot of fun. There are so many things I want to do, but they're all in CA.