Sunday, September 25, 2011

Getting Up At the Butt-Crack Of…

Act 117:

“It’s never too late… To Greet The Dawn

It’s full of such beauty and joy. And promise of new days to come. It will charge your batteries. Give you new perspectives. And time to consider them. Feel the glow. The warmth. Consider the possibilities.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.” ~ Rene Daumal

Dawn is a beautiful time of day. Although, I think dawn and seeing the sunrise is way too early to be up. Haha. I’m not a morning person, so the amount of times that I’ve actually seen dawn (without being up all night or having stayed up all night) are few and far between. The only time in the recent past that I can remember being awake at this time was when I was jetlagged.

When I saw this, I thought… oh gosh. What am I going to blog about? I don’t have any pictures of dawn, because I don’t wake up early enough to take pictures. I can’t even really do trivia, cause there’s not much on this topic. I don’t have any friends or stories about anyone I know named Dawn… I’m drawing a blank… Until it “dawned” on me… haha

Why not consult The ORACLE? So folks… I looked up “DAWN” and “Greet the dawn” and here’s what I came up with.

  • Dawn: the soap brand - I thought about this, but why in the world would I blog about dish soap? Other than the fact that I actually use Dawn… I don’t know what else to say about it.
  • – is a news website not the soap one. is your source for the latest breaking news, current events and top stories from Pakistan, South Asia and the world.
  • There are four technical definitions of dawn – (according to Wikipedia) Astronomical Dawn, Nautical dawn, Civil dawn, Solar dawn – if you want to know the difference, then you should check out the wiki page
  • DAWN is also an acronym for Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) -
  • P.M. Dawn is a R&B group that I actually have their The Bliss Album – I wonder who I got their CD from, cause I know I didn’t buy it. Since I didn’t really know them, I didn’t think it was right to make them into an official Trivia question – however – 5 bonus points if you can name one of their three top 10 hits. (after listening to the two I had.. I was like.. Oh, I recognize them now)
  • There is a company in Boulder, CO that owns It’s a consulting company that is focused on providing affordable, sustainable, clean energy solutions to health and education facilities that do not have access to electricity.

While talking to my friend KC on skype, it was suggested that I should talk about staying up until dawn. So, I’ll just say these two things.

When I fly to visit my mom or the east coast, I like to take the red eye or an early morning flight. For the early morning flights, I usually stay up until I have to leave for the airport, because I can sleep on the plane and it helps me adjust better to the eastern/central time zones. I see dawn during those times a lot. In fact, this past week I saw dawn twice. When I flew to Portland (and when I flew back) I had 6am flights. I slept only 2 hours out going and coming back only 4 hours before having to get up before dawn to catch my flight.

KC reminded me that I used to stay up until dawn while in school…high school, college, and B-school. I used to pull all-nighters all the time, because I’m such a procrastinator. Take these blogs… I had ALL day to write this, but I decided to wait until AFTER Sunday night football to even look at the Act! Then I got distracted by cleaning the apartment. This is how I would study. I would wait until the last minute and then spend all night studying. I’m sure this was not the best approach to school and I bet I would’ve gotten better grades had I gotten a good night’s sleep before the test, instead of pulling all-nighters.

So, eventhough I drew a blank on sunrise/dawn. Do you have any great stories about Dawn? KC told me that she thinks about Easter, because her family used to get up on Easter morning and go to a mass at dawn. I was told it was very hippy! Haha. I know some of you just had babies and I know they keep you up and/or you wake up before dawn, so there’s got to be something better than the crap I just wrote about!!! =)

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I hate red eyes...I end up feeling like crap for 1-2 days, so they're just not worth it for me. But, I can't sleep on the plane, so that's probably part of it.

When I was in college working in the storeroom of the hospital, I had to be at work at 4:30am if I worked during the week. Needless to say, I saw way to many dawns then.