Saturday, September 17, 2011

It’s Not All Bad

Act 109:

“It’s never too late… To See The Good

Too often we look for the down side. For faults. For frailties. For base motives. Take a different view. Look for the good in people. Appeal to their better instincts. Draw out their good characteristics. Often it’s self-fulfilling. Many people want to do the right thing. But are too afraid. Give them the chance.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A good heart conquers all.” ~ Proverb

Today is the 8 Month Anniversary of my father’s death. It’s really interesting that I would get this Act on this day. Enough time has passed that I’m starting to move on, but it’s still so raw and fresh sometimes that there are still days I have fits of uncontrollable tears.

I have been trying to see the good in his death and the only thing I can come up with is that I think that I’m a better person now. Like I’ve said many times… his death has led me down a path of change. A change in myself and a change in my attitude. I’m more positive and there’s more positivity in my life. My life is forever changed…and everyone around me see it. I think it’s just sucks that he’s not here to see it. I know he would be so proud of me.

This Act is also talking about seeing the good in other people. See them for who they are. Try to find the good in everyone. This is something my dad taught me. He always wanted to believe that there was good in everyone. He believed and taught me that everyone is not all bad and everyone has at least one redeeming quality.

Because of what he taught me, I do really try to find the good in people. I’m not always successful, but I usually try to give people many many chances. I guess it’s because we are all human and we all make mistakes. However, that only goes so far. Those rose colored glasses do eventually come off, if I continue to get burned and/or there is no remorse on the part of the other person. There is only one person in my life that I probably will never be able to forgive (and I’ve talked about it before in another blog). Other than that, To all the friends that turned into frienmies from the past… I don’t even remember why we fought. All is forgiven. I do think back at those people and remember why we were friends in the first place. There was something good I saw in them. That didn’t really go away. Now, in some cases that good does not outweigh the bad and we probably won't be "friends", but there is still good and I don't hate or dislike them as much anymore. No one is all bad.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve learned to try to look past the bad and focus on the good in people and in the situation I’m in. I do that a lot more often and I’m much happier now. Some other good has come out of my father’s death (not just the change in myself) there has been a change in terms of the relationships around me. I’m closer with my brother and my mother. I’m a better communicator. I have some new people in my life that have taught me patience and understanding. The Face2Face family is all about acceptance and unconditional love. Bex, you in particular… You have taught me the most about myself and my capabilities the last couple of months. I thank you so much and I’m so glad you are in my life. (MK, my dear…I circle you) =)

I’m learning and have learned to see the good in people. I’ve learned to be more positive and change myself, so now people can see the good in me and not just my bitchy side. I know it’s hard sometimes, but let’s all try to see the good in the world, the good in bad situations, and the good in other people. So, the next time you get a flat tire… try to see the good in the situation like maybe some cute AAA guy will come rescue you. Or if someone at work is being a complete A-hole and screwing up your universe by being a complete pain in the ass. Just remember he probably has a family at home and has feelings too. Try not to chew him out for being an A-hole… maybe he’s just stupid and can’t help it. Or maybe when/if you’re father dies it’s not the end of the world, because you are able to pick up the pieces of your life… land yourself in a chat room and meet quite possibly your soulmate… =) Who knows… It could happen, right?

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