Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love The Life You Live

Lead the life you love
Love the life you live
Lead the life you love
You should lead the life you love
You should lead the life you love

Act 106:

“It’s never too late… To Do Something You Love

The smartest people work at something they love. If you can’t do that at least make sure you spend time doing the things you love. Time will fly. You will feel a great sense of renewal. Power will return to you. Treat yourself to it. The real you will emerge.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The best careers advice to give to the young is ‘Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” ~ Katherine Whitehorn

When I first saw this Act, these’s lyrics came into my head. I actually heard them for the first time on the The L Word. The lyrics above are from a song called “Love The Live You Lead” by Midnite

I know I’ve talked about it so many times, but I love my job. So many people these days, HATE what they do. But this day and age, any job is better than no job. At least this is what I hope is what people are saying or thinking.

As the old saying says, “Time flies when you’re having fun” (I guess this kinda goes w/ yesterday too. Hehe) If you’re doing something you love it’s also fun and the time does fly by. You aren’t dreading every minute of it. You don’t hate it. You enjoy coming into work.

Do you love your job?

If you do hate it, here’s my advice to you. Find something else that you love outside of work and do that. For me that’s musicals/plays and GLEE. Find hobbies that will occupy your time and then working to be able to afford and/or do your hobbies will be worth it. If you don’t like your job then… Work to live, don’t live for work. However, always let your boss catch you working hard, not hardly working. Hehe. My spin on the two sayings that I say at work all the time.

I hope that you are at a job that you love doing. Or at the very least have something in your life that you love. It does re-energize you when you’re feeling down and it makes the days and nights not seem so bad. Eventhough, I complain a lot about it… I DO LOVE MY JOB. I’m so blessed to be working where I’m working and working for who I’m working for. =) Shout out to Kenny G and the big A w/ a circle around it. =)

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