Monday, September 12, 2011

Modify Your Life

Act 104:

“It’s never too late… To Change Your Routine

Routines can be efficient. Even comfortable. But they can also be limiting. Even mind-numbing. Take control of them. Be adventurous. Vary them. Explore new ways to travel to work. New places to eat. New destinations to holiday. Expand your horizons.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A change is as good as a rest.” ~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I HATE change. Anyone who knows me… knows this about me. However, over the last couple of months I’ve changed a lot about myself and it has worked out for the better. I’m much happier. So, I guess change isn’t so bad.

As for changing my routine, grr argh… Well, I’ve already actually had to change my routine w/ respect to my eating habits. When you’re trying to lose weight, you have to “change your routine” in order to diet. If you didn’t, then it wouldn’t be dieting and/or you wouldn’t need to diet in the first place. Haha. Over the last month, I’ve been really bad about sticking to my diet and I definitely didn’t stick to it while I was on vacation. As a result, I am farther away from my goal of losing 25 lbs this year. I’m gonna have to work extra hard to lose the extra pounds. I’m gonna have to change my daily routine and go back to the hard core part of my diet. Not looking forward to it. =(

As for the rest of my daily routine, since I’ve gotten back from my trip, I’ve been caught by the jet lag bug. I’ve been sleeping a lot earlier and waking up earlier. I’m gonna try to take advantage of that and try to go to bed before 12 every night. I’m gonna try to get more sleep during the week. It has been nice getting up before the alarm and feeling rested. I was not sleeping well before my vacation and lately I’ve been sleeping great.

Here are the other things I’m gonna try to “change” in my daily/weekly routine

  • Find time in my schedule to work out. – as part of my diet, I need to do this… so wish me luck
  • Take time to read more - instead of watching TV.
  • Start a cleaning routine, so everything doesn’t pile up so much. I figure if I spend about 15-20 min cleaning up every night, then that’s 2-3 hours that I get done a little at a time instead of a big chunk

I was going to try to add more things to the list, but those five things (including the dieting and the sleep thing) are gonna be hard enough. Wish me luck. How about you? What are the kinds of things that you could change about your daily routine that could improve your life?

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