Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nuevos Amigos, Nuovi Amici, Nouveaux Amis

So, here I am. Back in the saddle. Ready to blog again for the next 72 days to accomplish my goal of blogging on every single Act in Patrick Lindsay’s It’s Never Too Late… 172 Simple Acts To Change Your Life. Making my new end date Nov 18.

First let me say that my European Vacation was amazing. I had a wonderful time w/ my mom and bro in Spain, Italy, and France. Carnival Magic… you were a great ship to be on and thanks for treating us so well. I’m not gonna rehash my vacation here, because I did do a vacation update (with a Trivia game). I’m gonna put them all here on my blog for everyone to enjoy. I will back date them, so they’ll show up on the day I sent them. If you’re interested on where we went and what we did, go back and read them! Yay. I will put up pictures, but I haven’t uploaded them all yet. I’ll probably get to it this weekend.

I waited until after my vacation to do this blog entry, because I figured I would make some new friends on the boat and I did… =) And I purposefully did not write about our new friends in my email updates, because I knew I was gonna write this blog when I got back. hehe

Act 100:

“It’s never too late… To Make New Friends

They’re out there. Waiting to connect with you. In the end we’re left with our friends, our loved ones and memories. Keep your heart open to new friendships. Every new friend is a new adventure… the start of more memories.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Man’s loneliness is but his fear of life.” ~ Eugene O’Neill

First let me say that Act #11 was “It’s never too late to Make A Friend” – uhh isn’t this the EXACT same topic??? If you want to hear me go off on the wikiHow article on “How To Make Friends” go back and read that blog entry.

I’ll focus on the friends I made during our trip for this blog (and make this quick, cause I’m still a little jet lagged.) The 9 hour time difference is killing me. Anyway, if you’ve ever been on a cruise ship, you know that there’s two different seating times for dinner. Depending on your room and how many people in your party, you get seated with other people (or not). We usually do the late dinner and we’ve always had our own table because there was four of us and/or we were traveling with a group. Well this time, we were seated at an 8-person table and made some new friends.

There were two other parties at our table. A Filipino family of three: A father, mother, and daughter from Riverside, CA. And two former co-workers/friends from Toronto, Canada. These people were awesome and made our dining experience super fun. It was always so nice to come to dinner to find out what everyone else did while at the ports. 9 days for about 3 hours each night is a pretty good way to get to know someone. I’m gonna respect their privacy (like I try to do with all of my friends), so I won’t go into the gory details of their lives.

At first, I was a little disappointed that we had to share our dinner time with 5 other people, but it turned out to be the best thing. I’m not really good a making new friends. My bro is. He made a bunch of friends at the Red Frog Pub on board the ship. He’s friend’s with everyone. He was that guy that everyone seems to know. He came off the ship with at least 10 new facebook friends, but that’s how he his. The life of the party.

I’m really kinda shy and I like to keep to myself. This isn’t really the best recipe for making new friends. Making new friends is hard for me, so I’m glad I actually we hit it off w/ our tablemates, cause otherwise I’d have no new friends to report in this blog. Haha. You know how when you meet people on vacation and/or have the vacation fling or only talk to each other during that time. You promise to keep in touch, but you never do?

Well, I feel like the friends we made on this trip, we’ll keep in touch with. I already know one of the girls is planning to come out to LA and the family lives semi near me (plus the daughter goes to UCLA, which as we all know is my alma mater). Although I didn’t come away from this trip with as many new Facebook friends as my bro, I did come away with some, which I didn’t think I would be able to when I started my trip.

Here’s a shout out to the new friends we made on our trip: Gigi, Nanette, Michelle, Constance, & Diane (Morty). I’ll never forget you and thanks for making our vacation so much fun! Also, a shout out to my boys from the Art Gallery on the ship... Coenrad, Lawrence, Travis and Arturo... had a great time getting to know you as well! =)

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