Saturday, September 10, 2011


Act 102:

“It’s never too late… To Make Some Quiet Time

Our senses are dulled by our rush through life. We need time out. Time for reflection. It may seem a waste. Or like giving your competitors an advantage. But it will repay itself many times over. In increased energy and creativity.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Time is a great healer.” ~ Proverb

I think this Act is perfect for two days after coming home from my trip, because it’s exactly what I need right now. I need some quiet time. Even though I was just on vacation, I need a vacation from my vacation. I need a “stay-cation.”

So, instead of going out and about today, I stayed home and rested. Technically I did go out, because I had to pick up my car and I did a little grocery shopping, but for the most part I stayed in. While I was in, I should’ve cleaned cleaned cleaned… (because my place is a huge mess) but I really just needed a day to do nothing. A day to veg out on the couch and watch TV. I watched some U.S. Open (tennis) and I’ll probably watch again tomorrow and will definitely watch some football tomorrow. I will intermix some cleaning, because I mean… what else are you supposed to do during the commercials??? Haha.

I think it’s really important to take time off and spend some quiet time with yourself. If you are an “I” (MBTI), you really need to do this and most of you actually know how, because otherwise you can’t recharge properly. If you are an “E” (MBTI), I know that’s not how you normally recharge yourself and maybe it makes you even more restless, but it’s worth a shot. =P

Before going on vacation I was really stressed at work and quiet time was needed. I was working so hard and I couldn’t wait to go on vacation. As fun as my vacation was, it was go go go… the entire time. I really only started to get the much needed rest in the last three days. Now that I’m back, I feel like I still need a couple days of quiet time and I think laying low this weekend is the perfect solution. Because although I’m enjoying being home and relaxing, I miss my friends and I need to go see them!

So, we already know that my quiet time is just really sitting on the couch and watching TV. Add to that sleep and maybe a little reading and I’m recharged. I do take quiet time for myself every once in a while. How about you? How do you prefer your quiet time? What do you do?

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