Monday, September 19, 2011

Stand Tough

Act 111:

“It’s never too late… To Be Strong

You don’t have to be overbearing, to be strong. Be strong in your convictions, your love, your friendships. Be strong like a foundation stone. It will centre you. And allow you to step off with confidence. – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The thread breaks where it is weakest.” ~ Proverb

All in all, I would consider myself to be a strong person.

Strong physically (or at least I used to be). I used to be able to bench more than my weight. I used to have really strong legs and really buff arms. I was always told that was really really strong for such a little girl.

Strong mentally. I know I have the ability to overcome adversary. Mostly, because I have a strong belief in myself and a my ability to cope with problems/issues. Now, I’ve been really lucky in my life, but the trials and tribulations that I have been through; I’ve always come through stronger and better. Given any situation, if prepared (that’s the key word) I am tough and strong under pressure. And even if I’m not, I may crack a little (but I think everyone does a little), I know I’m strong enough to overcome any situation.

Strong willed. I am very strong in my convictions. Once I believe in someone or something, I dive in 150% and I will die on my sword defending my position or opinion. This is why some people at work call me a "little bulldog." I am like a dog with a bone. I won't let it go unless you cry uncle! haha. However, I’m an “I”, so I need to prepare in my head what I’m going to say before I say it. So, when it comes to presentations and/or debates. I need to be prepared first. But, given preparation, I can be a really good debater. I am a really good debater. Like at work (or even just now with a friend). I can argue till the cows come home my point, so watch out. Even if I’m the only person in the room with that position or opinion. I will not back down. I think this is why my contractors hate me so much, but why my boss loves me so much at work. It’s high entertainment value. I usually get my way, because I just end up tiring the other person/people out. hehe =P

Strong emotionally (well sort of... sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me… not so much as before). If something or someone hurts me or someone doesn’t like me, I usually am strong enough to just let it go. A lot of times, I don’t care what people think of me. Whether I’m a bitch or what. Don’t get me wrong, everyone wants to be liked, but I try not to let it bother me. I do have a thick skin at work, but I have a very thin one with my friends and family.

When my father died, I felt like I had to be the strong one. The rock, because everyone needed me to be. I was able to push my emotions aside and deal with them at a later date, because someone needed to be mentally strong to helps us all get through it. I know I get this from my mom. She is mentally strong.

It took me a long time to realize Mr. Lindsay’s first sentence is true. “You don’t have to be overbearing to be strong.” I thought in order to be considered strong or for other people to think you are strong you had to kind of bully them into it. Being pushy or overbearing is not the answer. You can be strong without doing those things. This is something I had to learn later in life. I think now people think I’m strong, because of my confidence. My confidence in myself and my abilities. I hope that I’m confident, but not arrogant. I hope that I show strength by understanding my weaknesses and trying to improve on them. I hope that people think I’m strong, because I have now learned that it’s ok to not always be strong. It’s ok to need people and it’s ok to ask for help. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Stand by your convictions and know when to ask for help. When I think of someone who’s strong or needs to be strong, those are the traits and characteristics I look for. What do you think it means to “Be Strong?”

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