Sunday, September 18, 2011

To Seek Out...

New life and new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before

Act 110:

“It’s never too late… To Keep Exploring

Life is a journey. A wonderful odyssey. But some people just wander around in circles. Caught in a rut. Break out. Become an explorer. Try new ways. New things. Explore new paths. Take the mystery tour.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.” ~ Paul Simon

A lot of times we get bogged down by life. The daily grind. It becomes monotonous. So, any break in that routine is welcomed, which for me is weird, because I HATE change. But in this case, I think some change is needed from time to time.

I’m not the type of person to eat the same thing for lunch everyday. Or want to eat at the same restaurants over and over again. I like new food. New restaurants. It doesn’t stop at food. I like trying new things and having new experiences.

Well, maybe not “like trying”, but I’m open to it. How about… I’m willing to try new things and have new experiences. I’m willing to try anything once (provided I feel safe… bro, that was for you…) Once he and I were in Montana and he went cliff diving. I was chicken shit cause I thought I would break my ankles… so I didn’t do it. He took a picture of me sitting on the cliff with a sad face because I couldn't jump and has never let me live it down.

However, If I was his partner on Amazing Race I would do it. If a team was relying on me I’d do it. So if my bro was relying on me to jump or do some scary activity.. I’d do it. Mostly, cause I know the makers of the Amazing Race wouldn’t put people in dangerous situations…cause who would want to see someone die on a TV series? Not me…

Even though I’m open to trying new things, I don’t really seek them out. I’m not one of those people that’s like.. “Hey I’ve never been bungee jumping. Let’s go do that today!” I’m not really into nature and I’m not very adventurous when it comes to activities… or meeting new people. I have to get pushed or convinced into doing it. However, most of the time… I always love the experience even if I never want to do it again. I think just being able to say….”I tried it once” is usually good enough for me.

We should all go try doing something we’ve never done. You never know, you may just find a new hobby or a whole new set of friends because of this new thing. Expanding your horizons can be fun and exciting. Or maybe we should just start out small and all agree to try a new restaurant. I like trying dives or mom and pop places. So, let’s all try a new place located in a strip mall that you’ve probably never even noticed. It can not be a big chain restaurant.

There’s a Mexican restaurant next to a Laundromat near me and that’s what I’m gonna try… and as a bonus.... I’m gonna try the new Japanese restaurant near one of the contractors' facilities by work. Ok…your task (should you choose to accept it) Pick a place to try and report back here on your experience! =) I’ll tell you all how I like both of those places in the comments section, once I’ve completed my task! =p

Mini Trivia –

10 Points: Name where the words at the beginning of the blog are from.


Patricia said...

Star Trek. :)

Patricia said...

Bon and I actually tried a sushi spot near our place after moving back to socal. It is now our favorite spot. We need to take you to that ramen spot soon! Miss you, cuz!

Jamie said...

Rachel visited me this past weekend and we tried two places: Sabor (a Mexican place) and Thelma's Filipino Restaurant, both in strip malls. Sabor was ok. I probably won't go there again. But I'll definitely hit up Thelma's when I don't feel like cooking. And this weekend Richard and I are going to try a Brazilian churrascaria.