Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Try Not To Take It All

Act 112:

“It’s never too late… To Share The Credit

The temptation is always to take credit. Especially when you deserve it. But sharing it can be even more satisfying. It rewards. It encourages. It’s an investment in the future. And the reflected glory often brings a warmer glow.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” ~ The Bible, Acts 20:35

Everyone deserves credit for their accomplishments. I think that’s a lot of what’s wrong with people today. Always taking credit for ideas that are not fully their own. I was just talking to a friend of mine and she told me that the book she was reading is an author she felt a famous author ripped off ideas and writing style from. I don’t know if any of that is true, but I feel like that’s probably what’s happening a lot in schools these days with the internet and things. Now, kids can buy papers or rip off stuff that other people wrote. It’s harder and harder to prove plagiarism. Kids (and adults) stealing other’s ideas without giving credit. Quoting things, without giving proper credit.

I know this is a blog and I’m sure I’m guilty of it too, but I try as much as possible to give credit where it is due. I never have said that this blogging adventure was my idea. I always give credit to Erin Kelly for the idea. Even though I place lyrics on here, it’s game and I always state it’s a song and I don’t make anyone think it’s my song. Other than my thoughts and ramblings, I’ve only ever place two of my poems on this blog. All the quotes, all the lyrics are not my own and I think everyone knows that.

However, I know Mr. Lindsay is talking about sharing the credit for accomplishments, not for plagiarism. At work, we work in a team. We work in working groups. So, when the “team” comes up with an idea, it’s a win for the team and not any one person is given credit. We all have to share it. Well that’s what is supposed to happen.

I’m currently working with someone who thinks that every idea he comes up with is his and his alone and is super super original. He always takes credit for ideas that are not his and most of ideas have already been thought of. I’ve been working on this program for over 3 times as long as he and very few of his ideas are new and NONE of them are completely his own. He gets really really defensive if anyone tries to change anything about his precious ideas. However, when people tell him his ideas are bad or his work is not good. He always throws me under the bus and says it was my idea or it was the “team’s” idea. It sucks.

I always give him whatever credit is due his way and he always “reminds” me that he had that one good idea. Well, whatever, I’ve had 10 good ideas… who cares? You’re one idea 18 months ago is not going to help me/us solve our current problem. Stop beating your chest about how I gave you credit that one time… and get ur ass to work on the problem at hand. Finally, the group decided on a way ahead (without his input). Then he tried to he tried to steal the glory and credit for the work that was done. Then he tried to come up with a whole new solution on his own and presented that and got hammered and he blamed it on the group. WTF?? I remember being so mad. Anyway…

Point of the story…We are always willing to share the blame, but why is it not the same when we’re taking credit for something? Probably because we don’t want to be viewed in a bad light and we like to be viewed in a good light. But what’s the harm in sharing the credit? Especially if it’s true? Most of the time we can’t do it alone or we don’t really come up with the idea all on our own. We have help. Shouldn’t we reward that help by sharing the credit? I always thought so. So, I do try to share the credit when I can. I hope that if you ask people who know me… they would say that’s true too. I don’t think I am the type of person to take all the credit when it’s not all my own or take credit for someone else’s work/idea. In fact, I think sometimes I give away the credit too much. Anyway, I had a really really tough day at work…I’m off to try to get some sleep before I have to board a plane at 6am…

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