Thursday, September 22, 2011

You May Say I'm A Dreamer

But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Act 114:

“It’s never too late… To Imagine

Our most powerful asset is our mind. Its powers are virtually unlimited. And often largely untapped. With imagination we can create new worlds. And improve old ones. Live our wildest dreams. And dream our wildest lives. Imagination has neither rules nor boundaries.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The imagination is man’s power over nature.” ~ Wallace Stevens

Now I have “Imagine” playing through my head as I type this. How nice. It’s interesting. I could go so many places with this blog. What I would imagine is my ideal world is. What I would imagine my life would be like (for both work and personal). Or I could go the imagination route… but I think I’m gonna talk about what my ideal world and life are.

In a perfect world, I imagine myself happy. Married with 2 kids a dog. I imagine a world where people accept you for who you are. A world where every person is equal. Sex, race, orientation. Everything equal. No stupid laws that enforce non-equality. You can marry who you want. You can get promoted or get paid the same based on your merits instead of your genitalia or the color of your skin. The religion you practice doesn’t matter and believing in it doesn’t cause wars. People for the most part get along and the only thing that “kills” or “harms” people are natural disasters or freak accidents. I know it’s that last one is stretching it… but for the most part the rest of it is accomplishable. Right?

I don’t really think of myself as having a vivid imagination. As a kid I was never one of those people that made up stories and played make believe. I think since I didn’t do very much of that as a kid. It’s harder for me to use my imagination now. I don’t use it very often.

But apparently I’ve tapped into what little imagination I have in the recent months. As you may know, I made a Face2Face Road Game for Katherine Brooks. It’s a game that you can play while on road trips. I made cards and a die and everything for it. If you’re interested about hearing about the game, just email me and I’ll tell you all the details. I’m not sure talking about the game here is the best idea. I wouldn’t want anyone to steal it and make money of my idea. Over the last couple months, I’ve also been branching out and doing little art projects and creating little games and puzzles. I created a word search, a mad libs, a poem, and did a couple of drawings.

I know a lot of you out there have good imaginations. I have friends who have written stories and write poems. One has even created a fairy tale. I wish I had enough imagination to create things like that on my own. However, I can use my imagination to modify an idea or concept to fit what I’m trying to do. So, I’m really good at creating theme parties, but not coming up with a theme. Anyway, what would be your perfect world and have you used your imagination lately to create something really cool. If you’re willing to show it, I’d love to see it. Go see the link to see pictures of the Face2Face Road Game I made and some of the Face2Face art I made. =)

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